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21st September 2018

How North Ayrshire council is making coding accessible to all

Back in May, North Ayrshire Council in Scotland made a pledge to tackle the digital skills gap by providing access to Code Clubs for all learners aged 9–13 by August 2020. Here the team behind the initiative tells us why they think Code Club is important and how they plan to achieve their goal. James …

19th September 2018

Scratch 3: what does the new version of Scratch mean for your Code Club?

The team behind Scratch have announced that they are releasing a new version of the drag-and-drop programming language in January 2019. Here Martin O’Hanlon, Content and Curriculum Manager at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, tells us what this means for people running Code Clubs, and what new features you can look forward to. A new version …

6th September 2018

Behind the scenes at Code Club: website updates

Here at Code Club HQ, we’re always thinking up new ways of improving everything we do. In this blog, Senior Programme Manager Sarah Sheerman-Chase tells you about our new project to transform the Code Club website. This year we decided it was time to review our websites. We started with codeclub.org.uk and our overarching aim …

8th August 2018

Getting started with Code Club through our free online course

If you are interested in starting a Code Club to improve and share your digital skills, Code Club’s free online course is a perfect, step-by-step way to begin. Sarah Sheerman-Chase, Senior Programme Manager for Code Club, tells us how she approached writing the course and gives you a taste of what you will learn. Our …

2nd August 2018

Code Club ideas: friends and family sessions

Code Club Champion Mia Chapman has been running her club for two years now. Here she talks about a recent session she ran in which her Code Clubbers taught their friends and families how to code. With the summer drawing nearer, it was time to figure out how to end our second year of Code …

26th July 2018

Mission Possible: Empowering the Future Generation of Girls with Coding

Dr. Aygul Zagidullina is a London lead for Google Women Techmakers, which is a programme that provides support and resources for women in technology. Aygul runs a Code Club at the Wembley Library in London, and she is passionate about promoting an equal gender balance at her club. Here she shares her advice on inspiring …

20th July 2018

How to get started with Code Club — community insights

We’re always working to make starting a Code Club easier and more enjoyable for volunteers. This June, we a ran a survey to get input from our community and find out more about what you have done to get your Code Clubs up and running. Thank you to the 650 people who took the time …

12th July 2018

Rik explains: encouraging learners to collaborate in Scratch

Rik Cross is the Interim Head of Content and Curriculum at the Raspberry Pi Foundation. He also runs a Code Club and is a former secondary school teacher. So he has a wealth of knowledge about all things Code Club and Scratch, which he shares with you in our blog series ‘Rik explains’.  Today I’m …

10th July 2018

Prosiectau Code Club nawr ar gael yn Gymraeg / Code Club resources are now available in Welsh

(English version below) Ry’n ni’n falch i gyhoeddi fod prosiectau ac adnoddau Code Club nawr ar gael yn Gymraeg! Dyma’r tîm sy’n gyfrifol am y prosiect yn trafod pam fod cyfieithu ein prosiectau wedi bod mor bwysig. Yng Ngorffennaf 2017, fe wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru lansio strategaeth Cymraeg 2050 i gynyddu’r nifer o siaradwyr Cymraeg i …

4th July 2018

Finding hardware for your Code Club

Clubs often ask us about how to find low-cost or recycled equipment for their sessions. In this post, three members of the Code Club community tell us how they have secured extra equipment for their club. You don’t need a lot of equipment to run a Code Club The only essential equipment you need at …

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