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28th June 2018

Keep coding over the summer

Is your Code Club taking a break over the summer? Are you looking for some extra coding activities for your children to participate in while they are not at school? Read on to find out how you and the young people of Code Club can keep coding throughout the summer months. Coding events There are …

18th June 2018

What young people can achieve with code

Every week at Code Club, thousands of children as young as eight are learning how to code. Many of these children are using their newfound knowledge to make things that are smart, creative, funny, and also useful in their wider community. Coolest Projects is an annual showcase of the work that young digital makers are …

13th June 2018

How to move from Scratch to Python in Code Club

Most Code Clubs start out with Scratch, but when the time is right, you might want to try out some text-based languages such as Python in your club. In this post, we explain how to introduce the Python language in a fun and engaging way. When to introduce Python in Code Club Many programmers use …

8th June 2018

Why we volunteer for Code Club

At Code Club we are lucky to have thousands of volunteers who give their valuable time each week to help us on our mission to get young people coding. This National Volunteers’ Week, Caroline Vaan-Canning, our Regional Coordinator for the South West, reflects on what it is that makes people volunteer their time for Code Club. …

30th May 2018

Building family bonds with Code Club in prison

Sometimes working for Code Club can take you to unexpected places. For Liz Smart, Regional Coordinator for the North West, an encounter with a Business Connector in Lancashire led to her setting up a Code Club with HMP Kirkham. Here Liz tells us about how Code Club is working to establish family ties between dads …

25th May 2018

Helping others start a Code Club

After becoming a Raspberry Pi Certified Educator at Picademy, the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s free face-to-face teacher training initiative, Kyle Wilke was inspired to start a Code Club to give students at his school and teachers in California more access to coding and making. After attending Picademy, I was inspired to start a Code Club of …

22nd May 2018

How I encourage girls to join my Code Club

At Code Club it’s our mission to get as many young people interested in coding as possible. Here Dan Powell, Programme Manager at Code Club, talks about his experience with inspiring girls (including his daughters) to get coding. When I was 12, my parents bought me a Sinclair ZX81, and ever since then I’ve been …

16th May 2018

How to build a Code Club from scratch

When starting your own Code Club, it is useful to remember that there are literally thousands of people who have gone through the process before you. Here, Code Club volunteer Darren explains how he went from Raspberry Pi tinkerer to Code Club leader. Darren started by supporting a modest club of eight kids, and now …

9th May 2018

5 top tips for running your Code Club

At Code Club we are lucky to have some volunteers who keep running Code Clubs year after year. These people are the real experts on how to run a club, and they have a wealth of advice to help newcomers get started. One such volunteer is Richard Hind, who has been running his Code Club …

27th April 2018

Practicing real-world programming in a Code Club

Back in 2015, a school email about Code Club led to Mart becoming a volunteer. With three volunteers and a classroom of kids who wanted to get coding, Mart tells us how their Code Club was born. Our Code Club runs in the eastern suburbs of Victoria, Australia, with numbers that have varied from 30 …

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