How to get started with Code Club — community insights

We’re always working to make starting a Code Club easier and more enjoyable for volunteers. This June, we a ran a survey to get input from our community and find out more about what you have done to get your Code Clubs up and running. Thank you to the 650 people who took the time to fill in the form! Find out below what we’re doing in response to your feedback. 

The results

Think back to when you first started your Code Club. Which of the following did you do before you started?

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 15.41.19We loved seeing how many of you completed some of the Code Club projects before you started running your club. To follow up on this feedback, we will from now on send all newly signed-up volunteers an email to direct them to our projects site and encourage them to complete some projects before running their first session!

Was there anything else you would have liked to access before you started?

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 15.40.16We were pleased that the majority of you told us you had everything you needed to get started with Code Club. Meanwhile, 19% of you said you wished that you could have asked another Code Club volunteer in your area for advice. We’ve taken your feedback on board, and right now we’re thinking about how we can facilitate this online in the easiest way possible.

In the meantime, many Code Club leaders are very active on Twitter and always happy to respond to questions from potential volunteers, so tweet us and we will help you find answers from an experienced volunteer near you. In addition, our termly Twitter chats are the perfect opportunity for you to ask the wider community your questions.

You can also meet new and established Code Club volunteers for a chat in person at our meetup events, or visit a Star Club in your area to see a Code Club in action before you start.

What kind of ongoing training and support would you like to access while your club is running?

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45% of you said that you would like to read more ‘How to’ blog posts with new things you could try in your club. This is a request we’ve already started to address, with posts such as:

If there are any topics you would like us to cover on our blog, please feel free to tweet us or reach out to us on Facebook — we would love to hear your ideas!

What one piece of advice would you give to someone to encourage them to start a Code Club?

We also asked you what advice you would give to people to get them involved with Code Club. 35% of you had the same top tip, said in many different ways: “Just do it!”

Here were some of our favourite responses:

“Go visit an existing club and speak to the volunteers and see a session with the students. I found that amazingly useful, as I asked lots of questions and saw how the kids loved the club.” – Barry Allen

“Definitely give it a go. Do some research, complete the online training, and finally, enjoy the reaction of the children; it is astounding and very rewarding, particularly when things ‘click’.” – Matthew Ambler

“Be prepared to deal with enthusiastic and very imaginative young minds.” – Christine Cannon

“Embrace the chaos! There’s no such thing as a ‘perfect’ Code Club — let your group find its own personality, no matter how loud or disorganised or chaotic it may turn out. Have fun!” – Jamie Wiseman

“Just go with it! I deliberated for a year before I got mine up and running. I wish I had started sooner. I already have a list of names of pupils who want to join the club when I get it going in September!” – Beverley McCormick

Anything else?

Finally, we asked you whether there was anything else you would like to tell us about your Code Club experience. Everyone who asked for help or advice has now been contacted individually by a member of the Code Club team. We’re always happy to support you!

The winner

Congratulations to Christine from Northern Ireland, who won our prize draw and will receive a set of our special summer robot stickers. We hope they prove popular with your Code Clubbers, Christine!

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Keep in touch with us

We love hearing your ideas about how we can assist you in running your Code Club. Please reach out to us any time on Twitter or Facebook, or by emailing us at


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