Behind the scenes at Code Club: website updates

Here at Code Club HQ, we’re always thinking up new ways of improving everything we do. In this blog, Senior Programme Manager Sarah Sheerman-Chase tells you about our new project to transform the Code Club website.

This year we decided it was time to review our websites. We started with and our overarching aim is to improve the online experience for our community across the world.

Starting out with research

Before we put pen to paper or code into computer, we started with research: we wanted to find out what the people who run Code Clubs really need from our website.

Starting at a meetup in Manchester, our intrepid researcher spoke to volunteers across the UK from Fife to Cambridge, and connected with the folk helping to run Code Club in Bangladesh and New Zealand.

Overall, you told us that you want:

  • The easiest possible online journey to get involved with Code Club, with lots of access to guidance along the way
  • More ways to get involved — not just by starting a club, but also by helping at an existing club or assisting with project translations
  • A more “grown-up” look to the site
  • A site that shows what a Code Club looks like, with photos and stories from the 11000 clubs around the world

    Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at 10.13.31.png
    The new website will showcase stories from our global community

What we’ve done so far

We took the thoughts and ideas from the research and used them to workshop new user journeys and structure for the site.

Then our team of developers and designers got stuck into the task of making all the ideas a reality.

The homepage will have a fresh new look, with lots of information on how volunteers and schools can get involved with Code Club, and photos of clubs in action across the globe.

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Early sketches of the new Code Club homepage

We have also spent time re-building the steps to start a club and get involved as a volunteer, to make the online journey as smooth as possible.

What’s next, and how you can help

Well, we’ve got lots to do, because we hope to release a beta version of the site for UK users over at in autumn! Keep an eye on your inbox — we’ll be updating everyone in the UK Code Club community via our newsletter. What’s more, we plan to start work on our global sites next year – if you are based outside of the UK, follow our international newsletter for more information.

Our fabulous Code Club Champions have already given their support by testing and sharing feedback on our early work-in-progress, but we need your help as well! We’re looking for people who already run Code Clubs, and people who are thinking of getting involved but don’t run clubs yet, to spend around 30 minutes on a video call with us, trying the site out and giving their honest opinions on it. If you’re based in the UK and would like to help, please drop us a line at

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