Tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma
Os byddwch chi'n tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma, byddwch chi'n cael diweddariadau e-bost a hysbysiadau am y clwb, fel diweddariadau am ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill.
Gwirfoddoli yn y clwb yma
Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn cefnogi'r gwaith o ddysgu pobl ifanc, ac yn helpu'r clwb i redeg yn fwy effeithlon. Er enghraifft, gallai gwirfoddolwyr helpu pobl ifanc yn ystod amser y clwb, gosod offer ymlaen llaw, neu drin tasgau gweinyddol.
Mae'n rhaid i chi fewngofnodi cyn gwneud cais i wirfoddoli yn y clwb yma.
FOSDEM, Code Club, and developers are teaming up in organizing workshops for children from 7 - 17 during FOSDEM.
Tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma
Os byddwch chi'n tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma, byddwch chi'n cael diweddariadau e-bost a hysbysiadau am y clwb, fel diweddariadau am ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill.
Gwirfoddoli yn y clwb yma
Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn cefnogi'r gwaith o ddysgu pobl ifanc, ac yn helpu'r clwb i redeg yn fwy effeithlon. Er enghraifft, gallai gwirfoddolwyr helpu pobl ifanc yn ystod amser y clwb, gosod offer ymlaen llaw, neu drin tasgau gweinyddol.
Mae'n rhaid i chi fewngofnodi cyn gwneud cais i wirfoddoli yn y clwb yma.
Digwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill
Pwysig: Os yw'r bobl ifanc sy'n bresennol dan 13 oed, mae'n bosibl y bydd angen i riant neu warcheidwad aros gyda nhw drwy gydol y digwyddiad.
Room UD6.203: MicroCode: Live, Portable Programming for Children
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Learn Python programming using Hedy
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Modsoup : Recipe and ingredients - Creating a modpack/gamepack for Luanti/Minetest
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Physics count game using ZIM
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: Learn to build your own mobile app with MIT App Inventor
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- Remember to bring an Android phone
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: Program a Tiny Computer!
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: Snap!GPT: Exploring Generative AI Through Visual Programming
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.205: The Magic of Making a Radio Remote Controller
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Creative with Coding
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
Room UD6.203: Create a Critter using TurtleStitch
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell