
Tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma

Os byddwch chi'n tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma, byddwch chi'n cael diweddariadau e-bost a hysbysiadau am y clwb, fel diweddariadau am ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill.

Manylion Allweddol

Digwyddiadau arferol: 3rd Saturday of the month 11am to 2pm.

Mae'r clwb yma'n cynnal digwyddiadau wyneb yn wyneb

Angen gwirfoddolwyr


11 Wilmslow Road , Cheadle, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, SK8 1DW

Gweld ar Google Maps


  • A pack lunch, although there is a cafe in the building.
  • A laptop. Borrow one from someone if needs be.
  • A parent! (Very important). If you are 12 or under, your parent must stay with you during the session.

The entrance is on the Massey street car park, Cafe One Entrance, next to the Tesco Express Entrance.

The sessions are held in Moseley Hall on 1st floor. 


Tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma

Os byddwch chi'n tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma, byddwch chi'n cael diweddariadau e-bost a hysbysiadau am y clwb, fel diweddariadau am ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill.

Digwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill

Pwysig: Os yw'r bobl ifanc sy'n bresennol dan 13 oed, mae'n bosibl y bydd angen i riant neu warcheidwad aros gyda nhw drwy gydol y digwyddiad.

March Dojo

15 Mawrth 2025, 11:00 - 14:00

5 tocyn ar ôl


What to bring
If you have access to laptop or Mac, please bring them with the charger.
The Upper Room Cafe should be open.
We will have tea, coffee, squash available. There are local shops where you can buy lunch.
Of course you are welcome to bring your own lunch.

The Upper room's above Tesco Express in Cheadle.
The entrance is on the Massey Street East car park side. You should be able to see Upper Room Cafe entrance, which is next to Tesco Express rear entrance. We are at Moseley Hall which is on the 1st Floor.

If you are coming by car, then there is a pay and display car park either Massey Street East/West.

Photo Permission
Parents or guardians - please note that photos will be taken during the event for publicity, marketing or media coverage in the context of CoderDojo in print, online and video content.

Gallwch gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf yn ein cylchlythyr

Gallwch ddad-danysgrifio ar unrhyw adeg.