Tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma
Os byddwch chi'n tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma, byddwch chi'n cael diweddariadau e-bost a hysbysiadau am y clwb, fel diweddariadau am ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill.
Gwirfoddoli yn y clwb yma
Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn cefnogi'r gwaith o ddysgu pobl ifanc, ac yn helpu'r clwb i redeg yn fwy effeithlon. Er enghraifft, gallai gwirfoddolwyr helpu pobl ifanc yn ystod amser y clwb, gosod offer ymlaen llaw, neu drin tasgau gweinyddol.
Mae'n rhaid i chi fewngofnodi cyn gwneud cais i wirfoddoli yn y clwb yma.
We meet in the lower level of the West Nashville Church.
For our CoderDojo sessions, please bring:
- A desire to learn and participate with the club. Always be cool.
- Computers are provided, but bring a laptop if you like. Preferably with someone available who has admin rights in case something needs to be installed for a certain project. That can be the Ninja or their Guardian. If you do not have a laptop, please reserve a computer when you sign up for a session so we can ensure everyone is included. We have enough equipment for all Ninjas. But we do need to ensure they are set up and have everything they need for the session.
- A parent or guardian! (Very important). If you are 12 or under, your parent must stay with you during the session.
Tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma
Os byddwch chi'n tanysgrifio i'r clwb yma, byddwch chi'n cael diweddariadau e-bost a hysbysiadau am y clwb, fel diweddariadau am ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill.
Gwirfoddoli yn y clwb yma
Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn cefnogi'r gwaith o ddysgu pobl ifanc, ac yn helpu'r clwb i redeg yn fwy effeithlon. Er enghraifft, gallai gwirfoddolwyr helpu pobl ifanc yn ystod amser y clwb, gosod offer ymlaen llaw, neu drin tasgau gweinyddol.
Mae'n rhaid i chi fewngofnodi cyn gwneud cais i wirfoddoli yn y clwb yma.
Digwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill
Pwysig: Os yw'r bobl ifanc sy'n bresennol dan 13 oed, mae'n bosibl y bydd angen i riant neu warcheidwad aros gyda nhw drwy gydol y digwyddiad.
March Session 1
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
March Session 2
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
April Session 1
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
April Session 2
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
April Session 3
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
April Session 4
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
April Session 5
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell
May Session 1
- All attendees must have an adult with them
- Remember to bring your laptop with you
- You must book a place to attend
- Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell