Welcome to the Code Club Blog

9th April 2014

An update (on our 2nd birthday)!

We turned two years old yesterday so we threw a party! Over 100 people came through the door to party with us – Scratch games made by our wonderful volunteers were played, cakes were eaten and drinks were drank (thanks so much to Twilio for those!) We thought we’d give you a bit of an …

18th March 2014

Crowdfund hardware for your Code Club!

Ever wished your Code Club could have a go at programming hardware and playing with electronics? Well now they can! Obviously we don’t have the funds to buy hardware for the 2100 Code Clubs that exist but we can certainly give you the tools to raise that money yourself. We’ve teamed up with Hubbub to …

13th March 2014

So open! Much access! All of the Code Club projects are online!

We are super pleased to announce that all the Code Club UK projects are now available online. If you’re a parent or teacher, you can start using the materials now, without registering a club. If you’re curious about running a club, you can look over all the materials before you make a decision, but If you …

4th March 2014

An update on our projects

The good news: At the moment we have four terms worth of awesome projects. Two terms of Scratch projects, a term of HTML & CSS projects and a term of Python projects. We’re really proud of them so far — so proud that we are shortly going to take them out from behind the sign …

28th February 2014

Introducing Michael, our new Community Manager

It’s been a crazy year at Code Club. We’ve recently hit 2000 clubs, launched Code Club World and Code Club Pro. We’re certainly not showing any sign of stopping. As we grow it’s important that we are able to continue to support the amazing community of volunteers and schools that have made Code Club so …

13th February 2014

Why we code and why we teach it

This year is the start of something special in education: computers are starting to be seen as an opportunity, not just a smarter typewriter. Since the new computing curriculum was announced last year, there has been renewed interest in teaching children how to program computers and not just use them to run applications. Accompanying this …

11th February 2014

Our partnership in Manchester

Manchester has long been a hotspot for Code Club activity in the UK. The council made Code Club part of their digital strategy for the city a while back and set the target of having clubs in 25% of schools by 2015. Thanks to the efforts of amazing human beings like Steven Flower who have been …

7th February 2014

Code Club Pro – Computing training for primary school teachers

As the teachers out there know, the new computing curriculum comes into effect this September. That’s only 6 months away. Eeek! There is a lot more programming in the new curriculum and teachers will be expected to teach it to children from aged 5. And that’s on top of changes to the rest of the …

23rd January 2014

Hi Manchester, WE LOVE YOU…

As you may know by now, we’re working megasuperhard behind the scenes to meet the demand we have from schools for Code Clubs. We’ve been working on a local partnerships model where we match up local tech staff and university students with schools. It’s working really well in Camden, and things are also underway in …

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