An update on our projects


The good news:

At the moment we have four terms worth of awesome projects. Two terms of Scratch projects, a term of HTML & CSS projects and a term of Python projects. We’re really proud of them so far — so proud that we are shortly going to take them out from behind the sign up wall so that anyone can enjoy them. You will soon be able to use these with your children at home, in class, or anywhere you see fit. YAY! More news of this to follow.

The not so good news:

We’ve been trying our best but we’ve got a little bit behind schedule. By now we should have another term of projects ready for the 120 clubs that started in September 2012 but we haven’t quite managed it. We are so sorry but don’t do a huge sadface just yet –  whilst you are bearing with us there are awesome things you can be doing with your club that don’t require any further hardware or resources, why not try Mozilla Webmaker toolsBlockly or Appinventor? Let us know if you find any other great resources.


If you want to get started with hardware we now have a crowdsourcing platform for you to raise money for your school: We recommend getting started with an arduino kit, but it’s up to you what you want to do. Why not ask your club what they want to hack next?

Of course if you have other things available to you, feel free to try anything you like – hack away! Send us updates and let us know how you get on :)

How you can help:

We would love the help of our amazing volunteer community to make sure we turn our small fail into a massive win. You can help us by:

1. Making your own projects and uploading them to share with others – go to, pull requests make us super happy :) Some of the lessons volunteers have made include Flappy Parrot and Christmas Capers.

2. Applying for our Head of Curriculum job and helping us get up to speed.

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