Introducing Michael, our new Community Manager

It’s been a crazy year at Code Club. We’ve recently hit 2000 clubs, launched Code Club World and Code Club Pro. We’re certainly not showing any sign of stopping. As we grow it’s important that we are able to continue to support the amazing community of volunteers and schools that have made Code Club so successful. For the past year, Sam has been our Volunteer Support Officer, but as he moves on to other things within the organisation, we’d like to welcome in Michael, our new Community Manager.

Michael - Community Manager

Hi I’m Michael, Code Clubs new community manager.

My background is in training and development and I’m a bit of an education addict – I’m currently studying design and web development. I also run a community group where I live in Leigh-on-Sea for local creative types.

I get excited about education technology and helping people meet like-minded others to work collaboratively with so helping Code Club develop their community is my ideal challenge.

As Code Club grows it is important that everyone involved or thinking about getting involved has someone they can contact who can dedicate time to helping them out – and that someone is now me :)

Some of you will have dealt with Sam in the past, Sam is still here (doing a great job) but he won’t be answering as many of your emails as he used to, if you email I’ll be the one who replies with Sam as a backup for when I’m away.

One of the things I’ll be doing is arranging meet-ups each month around the country for our exisiting volunteers as well as anyone with and interest in getting involved – keep an eye on for more info.

You can reach me on and follow me on Twitter @michaelmentessi

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