So open! Much access! All of the Code Club projects are online!

We are super pleased to announce that all the Code Club UK projects are now available online. If you’re a parent or teacher, you can start using the materials now, without registering a club. If you’re curious about running a club, you can look over all the materials before you make a decision, but If you want to run a Code Club, you’ll still need to register with us.

All our Scratch, Web Development, and Python Projects are now available at (If you’re outside of the UK, the international editions are on

We’ve done this to help more kids learn and create on a computer. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a Code Club yet, but many children do have access to a computer at home or in the classroom. The projects are aimed at 9 to 11 year olds, but there is no reason why younger children and grown ups can’t learn too.

Although we’re releasing our projects today, they’ve been developed in the open for the last year, and we want to thank each and every one of the volunteers who have helped us with new projects, translations, and each and every typo fixed. We’re hoping that now the projects are open for all, it will be more tempting to start new Code Clubs.

We are really looking forward to seeing our projects being used by as many people as possible, and hope you can help spread the word on their new found openness (and if you find a mistake, or have a new idea for a project, come and join us on GitHub:

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