Hi Manchester, WE LOVE YOU…

CCManchesterAs you may know by now, we’re working megasuperhard behind the scenes to meet the demand we have from schools for Code Clubs. We’ve been working on a local partnerships model where we match up local tech staff and university students with schools. It’s working really well in Camden, and things are also underway in Islington and Tower Hamlets too :)

We realised things were getting a bit London-centric so we set our sights elsewhere. With Manchester firmly established as the UK’s second city for tech businesses, it didn’t take us long to find a bunch of people excited about coding.

The awesome people at the City Council made having Code Clubs in their schools part of their digital strategy a while ago and now, with the efforts of amazing individuals and great local companies, we’re ready for a big announcement!

Mark February 11th in your diary now as a date you will want to keep free – for an announcement at the Digital Skills Festival in Manchester Town Hall, then a must-attend party in the evening.

Code Club Manchester Launch
Code Club Manchester Party

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