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9th January 2014

Our partnership in Islington

Yesterday the London Borough of Islington announced their strategy for Computing and we are pleased to say that having a Code Club in all of their schools is part of it! We went along to an exciting event at Islington Assembly Hall where children from Islington schools showed us all the amazing things they’ve been …

20th December 2013

Dancing Queen!

Our Robo-Boogie competition asked children to create a dancing robot and the public voted to decide the winner. Today we are pleased to announce the winner was Daisy from Abbey Catholic Primary School in Erdington, Birmingham with her awesome robot Lieutenant Polka Flux!     Daisy says, “I enjoyed entering this competition, it gave me a chance …

17th December 2013

A report on Code Club in 2013

Code Club is a nationwide network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children aged 9-11. We’ve been reflecting on what we’ve achieved this year and thought we’d write a little report so you can see how we’ve been getting on. Growth In September 2012 Code Clubs started in 120 schools. By September 2013 we …

13th November 2013

Samsung is Code Club’s new partner – Let’s do the Robo-Boogie to celebrate!

We’re super excited to announce that Samsung is going to be supporting Code Club throughout 2014 and hopefully beyond! We’re going to be working together on a series of activities designed to encourage and support more people to start and run Code Clubs in the UK. To celebrate we’ve designed a web app that helps …

4th November 2013

First club in the Channel Islands!

Twelve children at Amherst Primary School in Guernsey are taking part in a Code Club run by local digital agency Indulge Media. The development team at Indulge take it in turns to teach weekly coding classes which began in September at the start of the school year. Director Russell Isabelle said: “We decided to get involved …

8th October 2013

Business Stories: Morgan Stanley and dotMailer

Lots of schools and other venues want to have a Code Club but can’t find a volunteer. Behind the scenes Team Code Club are working very hard to recruit new volunteers and one of the ways we’re going about this is by speaking to businesses and getting them to give their employees time out of …

30th September 2013

Over The Air 2013

Last weekend Linda and tef went to Bletchley Park, along with 600 designers, developers, and hackers for two days of talks, workshops and coding. Friday included Linda’s talk about Code Club, and a tour of the Computer History Museum, before everyone went off to build amazing things. Saturday included tef’s talk about social issues in programming, …

19th September 2013

Code Club at Campus Party London

Earlier this month, Sam and I spent four days enthusing about Code Club at Campus Party London. Campus Party is a week long, 24 hour technology festival, with talks, workshops, and gaming. Along side Mozilla, Popup Talent and others, we had a stall in the Think Big/Make the web venue, where we taught people a …

29th August 2013

Volunteer Meet-ups: Hello, World!

We’re really excited to tell you that we’re teaming up with Postcode Anywhere to hold a bunch of meet-ups around the UK to say thank you to our current volunteers and meet new ones. One of the trickiest things about running Code Club at the moment is that so many schools and other venues want to have …

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