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21st February 2024

Code Club and International Mother Language Day: Embracing diversity

Depending on our culture, beliefs, and interests, February can mean different things for each of us — Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, World Nutella Day… the list goes on. On 21 February, there is a day related to everyone: International Mother Language Day. Celebrating linguistic diversity International Mother Language Day celebrates the diversity of languages …

5th February 2024

From coding to caring: Exploring well-being through micro:bits

Children’s Mental Health Week (5 to 11 February) is a crucial reminder of the importance of looking after the well-being of the young learners who come to Code Club. There are many ways that we can support mental health and well-being through technology. Our ‘Introduction to micro:bit’ projects are centred around well-being, and use various …

18th January 2024

Evolving Code Club training workshops: A journey of iteration and expansion

Supporting our community is one of the key functions of the Code Club team. We are here to provide you with the resources, knowledge, and confidence to run successful Code Clubs. For example, we run training sessions that give new educators all the information they need to establish their own Code Club. At the start …

11th January 2024

Code Club educators share what they’re looking forward to in 2024!

We’re looking forward to a fantastic 2024 at Code Club! Shoutout to the Code Club educators – your dedication is what makes everything possible. Thank you for all you do! While we were reflecting on all you’ve helped us achieve over the last year, the Code Club team also started chatting about what makes running …

14th December 2023

Bits and bytes of 2023!

As we code our way through the final moments of 2023, members of the Code Club team take a byte-sized trip down memory lane and share their personal highlights from the year. Young people’s voices Tamasin, Head of Code Club, has loved exploring the impact that being a member of a club has on young …

7th December 2023

Dreams on track: Inspiring the next generation with industry connections

Children often dream about amazing careers as astronauts, inventors, or racing car drivers. By introducing them to industry professionals, we have the opportunity to bridge the gap between dreams and reality. After more than 35 years, Gary Foote, Chief Information Officer at MoneyGram Haas F1 Team, returned to his former primary school in Cambridgeshire, UK. …

28th November 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club alumni, Oliver

In our micro-interview blog series, we’re chatting to educators and young coding enthusiasts to hear about their Code Club experience. When we received a message from 17-year-old Oliver, asking about the possibility of obtaining a Code Club lanyard to serve as a reminder of his experiences at Code Club, we knew we needed to find …

21st November 2023

From Nepal to Uganda and beyond: our global Code Club network

At Code Club, it’s our mission to put a club in every community in the world. Ellie Proffitt, our Global Partnerships Manager, shares more on how we work with like-minded organisations around the globe to help make this goal a reality. How can we help every child around the world access the fantastic opportunity of …

14th November 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club Growth Partner, Solomon

In our new micro-interview blog series, we chat to educators and young coding enthusiasts about their Code Club experience. Enjoy! Solomon’s organisation, The Unique Foundation, has been a Growth Partner since 2019. He runs a thriving Code Club at his learning and resource centre in The Gambia and describes his club as creative, empowering, and …

7th November 2023

Set your writer’s side free with National Novel Writing Month!

Join the US team in participating in National Novel Writing Month throughout November and write to your heart’s content! There’s a million stories inside us, all just waiting to be told. But it’s up to each of us to let them out! You’re not alone in wanting to share your story: this month, something HUGE …

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