Code Club educators share what they’re looking forward to in 2024!

We’re looking forward to a fantastic 2024 at Code Club! Shoutout to the Code Club educators – your dedication is what makes everything possible. Thank you for all you do!

In a classroom 4 young girls stand with 3 Code Club logo round signs and a laptop with a Scratch project. Get coding in 2024!

While we were reflecting on all you’ve helped us achieve over the last year, the Code Club team also started chatting about what makes running a Code Club so meaningful and fulfilling to us. From sharing skills, and welcoming new members to seeing confidence grow, it’s clear that there are lots of reasons why the team is excited to get back up and running with their own personal Code Clubs in 2024.

We’d like to share those reflections with you and invite you to share your uplifting moments with us.

What our Code Club leaders say

Sarah Eve Roberts, Code Club Community Manager

I’m thrilled to be starting my third Code Club next year — there’s nothing I love more than seeing the children’s confidence blossom over time. From the first few Code Club sessions, where they worry about small mistakes and raise their hands for help at every hurdle, to just a few weeks later, where the same children will be working independently to reason out why their code doesn’t work, and even demonstrating how to do things for their friends. I’m so excited to be able to support this journey for another group of children!

Sarah sat at a desk, hold a Raspberry Pi PicoSarah developing her coding skills

Laura Holborow, Learning Manager, Raspberry Pi Foundation

I thoroughly enjoy running our Code Club as it provides me with the wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with students, which I have missed since leaving teaching. Guiding them through the brilliant Code Club activities allows me to share my passion for coding and digital making and provides them with a safe, collaborative environment where they can practice and develop their skills and create some wonderful things.

Tamasin Greenough Graham, Head of Code Club

I’m looking forward to the new group of club members that will be joining this term. We are experimenting with a mixed age group with ages 8 to 12, so I hope to see lots of peer support and some leadership opportunities for pupils who sometimes don’t take them during the school day.

Tamasin holding a cut out picture frame which has the words "MyCodeClub"Tamasin at the 2023 Clubs Conference

Darren Bayliss, Code Club Community Coordinator (Ireland)

We spent the last couple of weeks before the break exploring what sort of projects the club members would like to do this term. We’ve got a few new members so the club has a real buzz to it — lots of energy. I’m looking forward to finding out what the pupils do with that energy as they get coding properly!

Darren outside of a school taking a selfie. Darren heading to a Code Club

What do you say?

We invite you to join the conversation: what were your highlights from 2023 and what exciting plans do you have for your Code Club in 2024? Share your thoughts with us on social media using the hashtag #MyCodeClub.

Let’s make 2024 a year of even greater connections and shared successes! If you’re considering starting a Code Club, we’re here to help you every step of the way!

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