From Nepal to Uganda and beyond: our global Code Club network

At Code Club, it’s our mission to put a club in every community in the world. Ellie Proffitt, our Global Partnerships Manager, shares more on how we work with like-minded organisations around the globe to help make this goal a reality.

Two people hold the Code Club sign outside of a building Growth Partner, Generación Tec

How can we help every child around the world access the fantastic opportunity of being in a Code Club? This is a question we think a lot about. Ensuring all children have access to digital making is a global challenge, and we want to be leading the way to find a solution.

We have Code Club colleagues based in the UK, Ireland, India and the United States, but unfortunately, we haven’t figured out a way to clone ourselves so that we can be based in every country in the world — yet!

This is why our partnerships with other organisations are so vital to our mission. We team up with others to help us grow our Code Club community in locations that we would otherwise struggle to reach. Thanks to the work of our partners, there are Code Clubs in rural villages in Malawi, isolated parts of Northern Canada, First Nations communities in Australia, and in thousands of villages, towns, and cities in between.

A map of the world highlighting where partners are Where are partners are in the world

Our partnership programme

Organisations join our global partner network to work with Code Club and grow our club community in their local area, or even across their entire country. Our partners share our vision to give every child the skills, confidence, and opportunity to change their world, and are committed to helping us achieve this.

In return, we provide them with our free, high-quality resources, including online training, community events, and easy-to-follow projects to support them in their coding journey. We also translate our projects into various languages, so that more people around the world can use them and children get to experience coding without a language barrier.
For many partners, running a Code Club gives them an opportunity to learn to code alongside their young people.

From Kathmandu to Kampala

The organisation Digital & Beyond was already working with schools and educators in Kathmandu, Nepal, to support them with digital literacy. They joined our global partner network as a way to provide more children with the opportunity to learn to code, as most students were not receiving any kind of formal computing education. With support from Code Club, they have been able to set up over 15 clubs in the past 4 months!

A young coder standing at the front of a classroom sharing his project. A Code Club member from Nepal shares his project

We applied to partner with Code Club because of our passion for education and wanting to contribute to teaching valuable skills to children, enhance their critical thinking skills, and create a culture of working in teams to solve real-world problems.
To expand the Code Club initiative beyond a single location, the partner network provides guidance and support for scaling up our efforts to reach more students in Nepal.

Sagun Dhungana, CEO of Digital & Beyond

For Silver Bolt, a partner based in Kampala, Uganda, Code Club fits perfectly with their own mission to break down the barriers to computing education. As well as supporting students in schools, Silver Bolt have been working alongside other organisations in their community to encourage more girls to get into computing.

So far, the Code Club partner programme has ignited a passion for coding and technology among young learners in Uganda, opening doors to a world of possibilities.

We recently trained a community-based organisation that empowers underprivileged girls with practical skills. By adding coding to their curriculum, we’ve opened up new horizons for these young learners. Our collaboration with Code Club not only aligns perfectly with our mission but also supplements it by enabling bridging of the digital divides and empowering underprivileged communities.

Maryanne Karamagi, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Silver Bolt

These are just two examples of how our global partnerships are bringing Code Clubs to young people around the world. If you want to see more examples, check out this micro-interview from Solomon and find out why Code Club is forming an essential part of young people’s learning journey in The Gambia.

Could you become a Code Club partner?

Our global partner programme is now open to applications from organisations around the world! If you are part of an organisation that shares our vision and values, and has the ambition and capacity to grow Code Club in your local communities, find out how you can get involved

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