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25th October 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club Growth Partner, Generación Tec 

Enjoy our micro-interview blog series, where we chat to educators and young coding enthusiasts and hear about their Code Club experience.  Generación Tec is a Code Club Growth Partner in Peru. In 2019, they started to grow the club network in the capital, Lima, through a project managed by the British Council. Building a sense …

18th October 2023

Progression in Code Clubs: What matters to you?

Although Code Clubs are fun and informal, some clubs like to observe and track the progress that their members make. Over the summer, we consulted members of our global Code Club community to find out what you see and value as progress. We also talked about the tools available to help you observe and celebrate …

11th October 2023

Five HTML and CSS projects for your Code Club to try!

Get ready to dive into the basics of HTML and CSS with your Code Club! The Code Club team and friends share their favourite web design projects and why you should give them a go in your club. We have the perfect project that will make learning HTML easy and fun for everyone — from …

26th September 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club member Terrell

In our micro-interview blog series, we’re chatting to educators and young coding enthusiasts and hearing about their Code Club experience. Worth Valley Primary School in Keighley, England launched their Code Club in spring 2023, and club members have been working through our Introduction to Scratch path. Each week, 15 young people take part in the …

20th September 2023

Our Code Club rules! How to have fun and set boundaries

Creating guidelines for your Code Club can be a simple way to help your young coders make the most of the non-formal environment that Code Club offers. In this blog, we share a few ideas to help you get started. Code Clubs are fun, creative, and at times wonderfully chaotic spaces. If you’re a teacher …

13th September 2023

September sparks: Four inspiring ideas for you and your Code Club!

Whether you’re a seasoned Code Club educator or just starting out on your club journey, we’ve got some great ideas that will help put some sparkle into your coding adventures and learning this September! To help you find your spark, four of our team members have picked their favourite upcoming events to share with you: …

22nd August 2023

Our survey says…A look at the results 

The summer is an exciting time for us at Code Club as we receive the results from our Annual Survey and we learn about your club and your opinion of Code Club.  Thank you to everyone who filled in the survey; your responses were insightful. Read on for a closer look at the highlights and …

16th August 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club educator Sue Gray

We are excited to introduce our micro-interview blog series, where we chat to educators and young coding enthusiasts and hear about their Code Club experience. Meet Sue, a retired secondary school teacher with expertise in key stage 3, key stage 4 BTEC, and GCSE computing (learners aged 11–16). Now leading a Code Club at Fakenham …

10th August 2023

What I learned running my first Code Club

Join us as we dive into an inspiring journey! This summer, Sarah, our Community Coordinator for Wales, launched a Code Club in South Wales at LIwynypia Primary School. Discover what Sarah learned during this coding adventure. Over to you, Sarah! Helo, I’m Sarah, Community Coordinator for Wales. In this role, I am here to support …

11th July 2023

Digital literacy and computing in India

In today’s world, digital literacy and computing skills are essential, and serve as a gateway to coding and computational thinking. In India, there is a pressing need to bridge the gap in ICT skills among youth. According to the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) report for 2020-21, only a small percentage of young people possess …

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