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11th November 2015

Volunteers stories: Polly from Auto Trader (Part 3)

Over the last few weeks we’ve been posting a blog series from Polly, a Code Club volunteer from Auto Trader in Manchester who started her first club six months ago. She’s been sharing her experience of running a Code Club with us, chronicling her journey from “ a nervous wreck to a (more or less) confident …

6th November 2015

15 new Star Clubs joining the network!

Lots of our volunteers asked us if they could visit and see a Code Club in action before they started volunteering. So, about a year ago, we created a network of Star Clubs – totally awesome Code Clubs who were open to welcoming visitors who wanted an insight into what a Code Club session was …

3rd November 2015

Code Club and the Raspberry Pi Foundation join forces!

Code Club’s CEO, Clare Sutcliffe, has an awesome update to share… I have very exciting news! Today we are announcing that Code Club is joining forces with the Raspberry Pi Foundation in a merger that will enable us to help many more young people learn how to build their ideas with code. The Raspberry Pi Foundation …

26th October 2015

Volunteers stories: Polly from Auto Trader (Part 2)

Last week we heard from Polly, a Code Club volunteer from Auto Trader who started her first Code Club six months ago. She has written in depth about her experiences running a Code Club in Manchester, chronicling her journey from (in Polly’s words) “ a nervous wreck to a (more or less) confident Code Club …

23rd October 2015

Join us for Code Club’s third Twitter Chat!

Following on from the success of our past Twitter chat sessions, we’ll be hosting another opportunity for the Code Club community to come together to share their knowledge and experiences, and for new or prospective volunteers to ask any questions and queries they may have. This month our focus will be “Motivating kids in Code …

23rd October 2015

Volunteer to help us run Code Club Teacher Training

We’re on the search for enthusiastic volunteers who could help us run teacher training for the computing curriculum! Why we need your help… It’s just over one year since the introduction of the new computing curriculum in English schools. Back in September 2014, the new curriculum was hailed with cheers from the UK’s technology industry who …

19th October 2015

Volunteer Stories: Polly from Auto Trader (Part 1)

At this time of year we have lots of new Code Clubs starting, so when Polly Caldwell from Auto Trader got in touch to say that she wanted to share her volunteering story with us, we jumped at the opportunity. Polly has now been running a Code Club for six months, and is keen to …

2nd October 2015

Ada Lovelace Day Celebrations

Tuesday the 13th October is Ada Lovelace Day – an annual celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Thanks to the generous support from ARM, one of Code Club’s Strategic Partners, we have created a brand new Ada-themed Code Club project and school assembly pack, which we hope will be …

1st October 2015

Thank You, BrowserStack!

We’d like to say a big “thank you” to BrowserStack who have donated free access to their service to us and, in doing so, have made our cross-browser testing a whole lot easier! We’ve been using BrowserStack for a few weeks now and it’s already proving to be pretty invaluable. BrowserStack provides browser-based access to …

28th September 2015

New Teacher Training Materials!

They say a change is as good as a rest. Here at Code Club HQ we have definitely taken the spirit of that phrase to heart.  After refreshing our projects page and registration process for Code Club volunteers, we’re now excited to say that we’ve also implemented some changes to our Teacher Training materials – all …

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