New Teacher Training Materials!

They say a change is as good as a rest. Here at Code Club HQ we have definitely taken the spirit of that phrase to heart.  After refreshing our projects page and registration process for Code Club volunteers, we’re now excited to say that we’ve also implemented some changes to our Teacher Training materials – all with the aim of helping and supporting our wonderful volunteers. There are two big changes to be aware of:

  • NEW materials for teacher training
  • FREE sessions for teachers at the point of access

You wanted new materials…you got them!

After reading through feedback we received from many of our volunteers, we saw there was overwhelming support to update our Teacher Training materials. The changes have been focussed on creating more interactive sessions to increase group participation and decrease the time our trainers spent talking ‘at’ teachers.

Robot 003What are the new sessions?

The new sessions are:

  • Computational Thinking: an introduction to computer science concepts, maze based practical application for KS1 computing elements, and lesson ideas for cross curricular computing
  • Programming: using scratch to create a chatbot, interactive learning for the KS2 programming aspects and unplugged ideas for classroom activities.
  • Networks and the Internet: learning to use HTML (the ‘language’ of websites), how the internet actually works and the principles of searching the web.

What does this mean for volunteers?

Good things, all good things.

You will still have an arsenal of slides, activities, session outlines and further links. The slides should be self explanatory but we will be releasing screencasts of all three presentations in the near future as well. We will schedule in webinars soon too, but until then if you have any questions, comments or queries please contact

What does this mean for teachers?

Sessions will now be free at the point of access for teachers! Teachers can register for training through our website and we will set up the session from there. We will run sessions as and when we secure funding, so it is worth noting that schools may not get immediate access to a free session.  As a not-for-profit, we rely on financial support to run our teacher training programme – and we hope this new approach will offer more opportunities to reach more teachers and children across the UK.

When can I see the new materials?

If you’re one of our trainers, you can view them right now! Simply log in to and see them for yourself. The old materials will still be available for the next few months.

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