Thank You, BrowserStack!

We’d like to say a big “thank you” to BrowserStack who have donated free access to their service to us and, in doing so, have made our cross-browser testing a whole lot easier! We’ve been using BrowserStack for a few weeks now and it’s already proving to be pretty invaluable.

BrowserStack provides browser-based access to virtualized web browsers on a variety of virtualized devices / operating systems. The selection is truly mind-boggling; want to test your site in IE9 on Windows 7? Done. Chrome 41 on OS X Yosemite? No problem. iOS & Android browsers/devices are also widely supported (see the full list here)

We were able to thoroughly test our recently re-launched Projects site with very little effort (no jumping from machine to machine, or spending time setting up an array of virtual machines) and can now more easily deal with browser-specific bugs & issues that our users encounter since they can be reproduced with just a few clicks – select an OS, browser & version to match that in the bug report and you’re all set.

Needless to say, we’re pretty chuffed. We use a bunch of virtual machines as part of our regular development workflow, but BrowserStack helps keep the amount we need at a far more manageable level.

Thanks BrowserStack! (hugs)

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