Volunteer to help us run Code Club Teacher Training

We’re on the search for enthusiastic volunteers who could help us run teacher training for the computing curriculum!

Why we need your help…

It’s just over one year since the introduction of the new computing curriculum in English schools. Back in September 2014, the new curriculum was hailed with cheers from the UK’s technology industry who saw the change as a first step in addressing the growing digital skills gap, whilst many educators reacted with concern.

The simple fact is that most teachers were never taught to code, either at school or as part of their teaching qualification. A study from TES reflected this, revealing that two-thirds of teachers felt unprepared to teach brand new, technically focussed subject matter.

Robot 001At Code Club, we have been working to change that, with our Teacher Training programme.

To date we’ve trained 1186 teachers with the help of 250 amazing volunteers. This year, we have started running training sessions that are free at the point of access for teachers.

Now we’re looking for trainers who can volunteer to run these sessions. Think you might be able to help? Read on…

What’s involved?

  1. Take our five minute quiz (it’s just nine questions to determine your knowledge of programming)
  2. An informal phone or skype interview
  3. Attend a training day

How does it work?

It’s pretty simple really. We provide free training for volunteers with some experience, interest or passion in computer science to run sessions for teachers. All materials you need for sessions with teachers will be provided. You will also receive a full training day about how to deliver effective training.

Teachers can sign up on our website. They provide contact details and several dates that they want training. On our training days we match volunteers with schools based on their availability.

What training do we offer you?

It’s a full day’s professional seminar. There will be anywhere from 10 to 20 people involved. The day itself is run by Ali Redmore, former executive director of the Science Learning Centre, and teacher. On the day we give all sorts of tips and tricks about how to run sessions, how adults learn, behaviour management, in depth look at our materials and setting up your first session.

Most people that attend a training day have never taught before. We welcome anyone who has an interest in computer science and helping teachers.

I’m interested, where do I sign up?

Head to www.codeclubpro.org/become-a-trainer and sign up. Our next training session for volunteers is in Birmingham on Saturday 7th November 2015. We’re looking forward to meeting you!


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