Welcome to the Code Club Blog

7th April 2015

We are three!

Code Club is turning the grand old age of three this month and look how far we have come! We now have over 2400 clubs which means we are teaching 33,000 kids to code – pretty good going! Absolutely none of this would have been possible without our volunteers: an army of awesome people who share …

16th March 2015

Farewell to a fantastic Community Manager

We’re sad to be saying goodbye to our Community Manager Michael Mentessi as he moves on to pastures new. Michael has been a fantastic Community Manager and I’m sure many of you will have met him at various events over the last year. He’s worked tirelessly to organise meet-ups all over the UK, support our …

13th March 2015

Fitting Code Club into your working life

“Hey Code Club”, we hear you say, “I need some advice. I really want to volunteer, there’s a great school close by, I just need to convince my boss.” Don’t worry, Future Volunteer — pull up a chair! We know it can be tricky working out the best way to find the flexibility to volunteer …

5th March 2015

A Star Club receives a special Ministerial visit!

Code Club’s wonderful Star Club at Barrow Hill School in St Johns Wood received a special guest visit this week from the Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson. Mr Wilson was keen to see the progress the students have been making at their club, with the members of the class eagerly demonstrating their skills and …

13th February 2015

Goodbye, Ms Kirsop :(

We’re really sad to be waving goodbye to the Head of Code Club UK, Laura Kirsop, as she moves on to pastures new. Laura has been with Code Club pretty much since the beginning, in one form or another. At first she was the teacher working with a volunteer at one of our first ever pilot …

13th February 2015

Code Club Volunteer Training

Here at Code Club we think our volunteers are the coolest people on the planet, and we want to do everything we can to support them and encourage new people to join the gang. Over the past few months we’ve been developing some shiny online training to give our volunteers all the information and inspiration …

13th February 2015

New Scratch projects

Our wonderful Head of Education Rik has been hard at work updating the Code Club Scratch curriculum in the past few weeks. Here’s a quick look at the new projects he’s developed: Memory — memorise and repeat a sequence of random colours! Dodgeball — a platform game, in which you have to dodge the moving …

5th February 2015

Code Red! Join us as we #GetHackneyCoding

Are you a teacher or a techie in Hackney? Help us #GetHackneyCoding this month! Code Club Pro are offering free teacher training sessions for primary school teachers in Hackney, supported by Samsung and Hackney Learning Trust. If you’re a techie keen to lend your skills you can join the coding movement by running an after-school Code Club in …

27th January 2015

Is your club registered?

All Code Clubs must be fully registered with us. If a club appears on our homepage map then it’s registered – YAY! If it’s not on our map then you have a tiny bit of work to do – please either register today or log in to your account and complete our registration checklist. If you get stuck then just …

19th December 2014

Code Club in 2014: status update!

As our young coders prepare to go home for the school holidays, and we’ve set the radio to Festive FM here at HQ, we’d like to share with you some highlights of our year — it’s been an amazing one. You can download our full report as a handy .pdf here, but for selected highlights read …

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