We are three!

Code Club is turning the grand old age of three this month and look how far we have come! We now have over 2400 clubs which means we are teaching 33,000 kids to code – pretty good going! Microchip - HappyAbsolutely none of this would have been possible without our volunteers: an army of awesome people who share our belief that every child should have the chance to learn to code.

Our volunteers contribute in so many important ways – helping children get excited about coding, translating our projects so we can expand Code Club to other countries, contributing via Github and spreading the word about our work.

We’d like to say a massive thank you, so we’re throwing a birthday bash and you are all invited! We guarantee balloons, beer and merriment :) Come along on Thursday 30 April to sing happy birthday and have a slice of cake! https://codeclubbirthday.eventbrite.co.uk

For those of you who cannot make it to London, we’re also hosting a couple of satellite parties on the same day in Cardiff and Dundee.

Hope to see you there! x

P.S we are looking to crowdsource some awesome Code Club themed stuff for the party. Are you a brilliant baker who can make us a robot cake? Are you a dab hand at making balloon animals? Send a message to [email protected]

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