Is your club registered?

All Code Clubs must be fully registered with us. If a club appears on our homepage map then it’s registered – YAY! If it’s not on our map then you have a tiny bit of work to do – please either register today or log in to your account and complete our registration checklist.

If you get stuck then just get in touch with and we’ll help you along!

Photo courtesy of Chocolate Films Ltd.

Photo courtesy of Chocolate Films Ltd.

Here are the top 4 reasons why your Code Club must be registered:

  1. We check volunteers have an up-to-date DBS (criminal record) check and public liability insurance – if the club isn’t registered then we cannot do this. Like every organisation working with children, we want to make sure everyone involved is as safe as possible.
  2. You get cool stuff! Only fully registered clubs get access to our pretty great (if we do say so ourselves!) class registers, door signs and certificates. You’ll also only be eligible for future Code Club giveaways when registered — previously we’ve been able to distribute DIY Gamer Kits and Raspberry Pis to our clubs, and we’re hoping to have more hardware giveaways in the future.
  3. We get funding based on club numbers – our funders are on board to help us achieve our goal of getting clubs in 25% of primary schools. If you don’t register your club then we don’t meet our targets, we don’t get funding and then we will have to stop doing what we do… This would be a very, very, very sad thing. :(
  4. Our Terms and Conditions say all clubs must be registered – them’s the rules!
Photo courtesy of Chocolate Films Ltd.

Photo courtesy of Chocolate Films Ltd.

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