Goodbye, Ms Kirsop :(

We’re really sad to be waving goodbye to the Head of Code Club UK, Laura Kirsop, as she moves on to pastures new.

Laura has been with Code Club pretty much since the beginning, in one form or another. At first she was the teacher working with a volunteer at one of our first ever pilot clubs in Soho Parish School, then she came to Code Club as a Growth Captain and our second ever member of staff. Laura has developed the UK team and worked with them to grow our Code Club community to over 2300 clubs here in the UK; many volunteers will know her cheery smile from meet-ups across the country. It’s a great shame that we have to say goodbye to her, but I’m sure you’ll join us in wishing her all the very best of luck in the future.

Laura has helped build the foundations for Code Club’s growth, leaving a fantastic legacy, but now we’re looking looking for a confident and ambitious General Manager to lead Code Club’s activities here in the UK and take us to the next stage. Please help us find the right amazing person to join our team by spreading the word about this fantastically juicy role!

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