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15th October 2021

Using code to inspire the next generation of climate leaders!

Our new Environmental Project Collection lands as the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (31 October–12 November) is taking place in Scotland. Discover how Code Club can provide a perfect space to empower learners to explore environmental topics that are important to them. Coding has the power to help us shape the world around us, …

28th September 2021

3…2…1… Blast off with Code Club for World Space Week!

Fuel your coders’ imagination and take part in World Space Week (4–10 October) — the largest annual space event in the world!  Explore our space-themed projects, celebrate the women who have paved the way for space exploration, and learn how your club can send a message into space with the European Astro Pi Challenge Mission …

13th September 2019

Five ways to inspire your club members about code!

Whether your Code Club is just launching or has been running for a while, here are five ways for you to get your Code Club members excited about coding 1. Make Scratch Cat say hi!  Just starting out with new Code Club members? Christina from Code Club USA encourages you to begin with the basics:   …

10th July 2018

Prosiectau Code Club nawr ar gael yn Gymraeg / Code Club resources are now available in Welsh

(English version below) Ry’n ni’n falch i gyhoeddi fod prosiectau ac adnoddau Code Club nawr ar gael yn Gymraeg! Dyma’r tîm sy’n gyfrifol am y prosiect yn trafod pam fod cyfieithu ein prosiectau wedi bod mor bwysig. Yng Ngorffennaf 2017, fe wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru lansio strategaeth Cymraeg 2050 i gynyddu’r nifer o siaradwyr Cymraeg i …

1st March 2018

Try out our brand-new Blender projects

Are you looking for a different kind of project to get stuck in to with your Code Club? You are? Then we have just the thing! We’ve created a set of new Blender projects to introduce your club members to the world of 3D design. What is Blender? Blender is a free software programme which …

20th November 2017

Free online course: prepare to run a Code Club

On 20 November, Code Club will be launching a brand-new free online course called Prepare to Run a Code Club on FutureLearn. Join it, and in just a few hours you will learn the skills and gain the confidence you need to start up a Code Club. Sarah Sheerman-Chase, Participation Manager for Code Club UK, tells …

21st September 2017

New benefits for activated clubs

We’re excited to say that we are launching three new benefits for Code Clubs who register and activate on our site.

<p>A cartoon robot DJ at the decks.</p>

25th August 2017

Get groovy with Sonic Pi

Bring the magic of music to your Code Club with our six brand-new Sonic Pi projects.

26th June 2017

Scratch 2.0 on the Raspberry Pi

Exciting news! On Friday, Raspberry Pi announced the release of an update to the Raspberry Pi operating system, Raspbian, which includes an offline version of Scratch 2.0. We often get questions from Code Club leaders looking to use this latest version of Scratch offline on the Raspberry Pi, so this update will be welcome to …

8th May 2017

Have a go at our Space Diary projects!

At the end of last year, Curved House Kids and author Lucy Hawking launched the second Principia Space Diary programme, a primary science scheme first created in 2015-16 as one of the UK Space Agency-funded education outreach projects supporting Tim Peake’s Principia Space Mission. To celebrate the launch of the Space Diary, we created some …

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