Have a go at our Space Diary projects!

At the end of last year, Curved House Kids and author Lucy Hawking launched the second Principia Space Diary programme, a primary science scheme first created in 2015-16 as one of the UK Space Agency-funded education outreach projects supporting Tim Peake’s Principia Space Mission.

To celebrate the launch of the Space Diary, we created some special space-themed projects, which are now available for all our Code Clubs to have a go at on our website.

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Space Body Quiz is a Scratch project where children can create their own space quiz, using facts about their body in space: jumpto.cc/your-body

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Secret Messages is a Python project, teaching children how to make an encryption program to send and receive secret messages with a friend: jumpto.cc/messages

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Space Maze is a Scratch project in which children try to navigate space junk as they return home from the ISS to Earth: rpf.io/spacemaze

If you’ve tried out these projects with your Code Club, we’d love to hear your feedback! Please let us know what you think by emailing us at [email protected]. If you haven’t tried them yet, why not have a go at the projects with your club?

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