New benefits for activated clubs

We’re excited to announce that we are launching three new benefits for Code Clubs that register and activate on our site!

Welcome packs

In July, we sent end-of-term packs to clubs across the country. We didn’t want new clubs to miss out, so now each new club that activates on our site will receive an email offering them a welcome pack including top tips, stickers, and posters for the club space.


Code Club welcome pack



Starting this autumn, we’ll be running regular competitions which activated clubs can enter. We’ll send out an email with details soon, so if your club is activated on our website, be sure to check your inbox for news and a chance to win great stuff for your club. You’ve got to be in it to win it!

News and updates

Activated clubs can expect to see us popping up in their inbox regularly, as we’ll be sending roundups of new projects, resources, and blog posts — and of course details about competitions.

How to get active

These benefits will be exclusively for those clubs who are registered and active on our website.

Activating your club is as easy as one, two, three:

  • The venue host registers the club.
  • The venue host adds a volunteer using their Club Hub.
  • The club is activated!

If you would like some help to get your club activated, drop us a line at [email protected]. And if you’re new to Code Club and you’d like to get involved, find out how to start a club.

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