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13th June 2017

Getting to grips with digital making at Picademy

‘Picademy? What’s it all about?’ I hear you say. Liz, Code Club’s Regional Coordinator for the North West, tells us more… When I began volunteering with Code Club I had no idea what a Raspberry Pi is, and by the time I started working at Code Club I wasn’t that much wiser. So when the …

7th June 2017

#VolunteersWeek – Sharing skills with the next generation

It’s the final day of #VolunteersWeek, and we’ve been profiling the fantastic contributions of the people who help run Code Clubs across the UK. We spoke to James, a first-year student at Ulster University studying Computing Science. As a part of his role as a STEM Ambassador, James has been volunteering to run a Code …

5th June 2017

#VolunteersWeek – Inspiring stories from Hampshire Libraries’ Code Clubs

by Dan Powell, Code Club’s Regional Coordinator for the South East About 18 months ago, Code Club started a project with Hampshire Library Service to start five Code Clubs in key libraries across the county. This was around the time the Society of Chief Librarians announced its Code Green initiative, which foregrounded digital engagement in libraries, …

3rd June 2017

#VolunteersWeek – Run a Code Club to learn new skills & meet new friends

This #VolunteersWeek, we celebrate by sharing the experiences of the amazing people who help to inspire children across the UK to get excited about coding and digital making. Amanda Coffey is a parent and she runs a Code Club at Firfield Primary School. We spoke to her about how she got involved with Code Club, …

2nd June 2017

Try a Pioneers challenge with your Code Club!

Have you heard of the new Raspberry Pi Pioneers programme, which challenges children and young people aged 11 to 16 to get together and use technology to make awesome things? Code Club Regional Coordinator and volunteer Lorna Gibson took part in the last challenge, acting as mentor for her Code Club’s Pioneers project. She told …

1st June 2017

#VolunteersWeek 2017 – volunteering together

This week is Volunteers’ Week, a celebration of the amazing work that people across the UK are doing, sharing their time and enthusiasm to help a range of projects and organisations – including Code Club! This year we wanted to highlight the real difference Code Club hosts and leaders make in the lives of the …

23rd May 2017

Issue 2 of Hello World out now!

Issue 2 of Hello World, the computing and digital making magazine for educators is published today! This issue celebrates ten years of MIT’s pioneering block-based programming language, Scratch. Scratch is an amazing, accessible programming language that has helped millions of people learn more about computing programming. It’s also by far the most popular coding language …

22nd May 2017

Updates to the Code Club website

Over the past few weeks we’ve been working on the Code Club site to make some updates, and we wanted to share these with you here! Working guided by feedback from our community, we’ve turned our attention to the Club Hub to enhance our resources and make it simpler for you to manage your clubs …

19th May 2017

Run a Code Club at your Library!

Interested in getting a Code Club started in your local library? We asked Julie Gibson, Branch Library Manager for Omagh Library in Northern Ireland, about her experience running a club. Here is what she says: Libraries are all about reading and learning, including about the use of technology, and one of the Libraries NI objectives …

11th May 2017

Growing Code Club

For the past five years, Code Club has been working to inspire children in the UK to get excited about coding and digital making. We’ve seen our community grow rapidly in that time – there are now an amazing 5,750 Code Clubs engaging over 85,000 young people in the UK each week! We couldn’t have …

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