Updates to the Code Club website

Over the past few weeks we’ve been working on the Code Club site to make some updates, and we wanted to share these with you here!

Working guided by feedback from our community, we’ve turned our attention to the Club Hub to enhance our resources and make it simpler for you to manage your clubs and update your details.

Club Hub

For volunteers, we’ve made it easier to:

  • set your status so you can let clubs know if you want to volunteer
  • find and use your profile
  • search for a club
  • tell us you’re not volunteering anymore

For hosts, we’ve made it easier to:

  • search for a volunteer
  • add volunteers to your club

New and refreshed resources

Now when you log in to your Club Hub, you’ll be able to access an improved range of certificates and useful pdf files. These include:

  • Permission Form for children to attend Code Club
  • Come to Code Club’ Poster – for advertising your club
  • General Certificate – for celebrating great work or coming to the end of a coding course.

We’ve also added a brand-new certificate for volunteers, which club hosts can download and print to thank their volunteers for their help in running a club. Sign in to your Club Hub to check out these materials. 

We are always striving to improve our offerings for volunteers, educators, and hosts who run or are looking to get involved in Code Club. If you have any questions about this, or any feedback that you would like to share, please get in touch at hello@codeclub.org.uk.

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