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1st June 2016

Volunteers’ Week 2016

Today is the start of Volunteers’ Week, a time to celebrate the amazing achievements and contributions of volunteers across the UK who are working to help their local communities. So of course we also want to take this opportunity to celebrate the work of Code Club’s volunteers – the teachers, students, parents, librarians, community workers, …

23rd May 2016

Run a teacher-led Code Club & improve your skills

Are you a teacher looking to start a Code Club at your school, but think you don’t have the necessary skills or experience to run the club yourself? We’ve heard about some amazing teachers across the country who started a Code Club to learn more about computer science and develop their own skills. One of …

20th May 2016

Code Club Champions

We think all our Code Club volunteers are amazing for giving their time to help children learn to code. We noticed that some volunteers in our community have been doing lots of things to support us, in addition to volunteering at a club. For example, they had been spreading the word about Code Club at …

16th May 2016

Teachers! We need you!

Are you a teacher interested in setting up a Code Club in your school? We’re looking for teachers to run weekly after school coding clubs! It’s easier than you think to run a Code Club yourself – you don’t need existing coding skills, just a can-do attitude to get stuck in learning alongside your students …

12th May 2016

New members of the Regional Team!

Code Club’s amazing Regional Coordinators are our eyes and ears on the ground across the country, attending events and supporting our volunteers and partners on a local level. We’re really pleased to welcome three new members to the team – Victoria who will be covering the North East, Yorkshire and Humber; Mark who will be …

18th April 2016

Code Club is Four!

Happy birthday to us, Happy birthday to us, Happy birthday dear Code Club! It’s Code Club’s fourth birthday – hooray! We’re very excited to have reached the big four and we are so grateful to all the fabulous people who have helped us get there, but most of all our amazing volunteers. Code Club’s CEO, …

15th April 2016

Your Feedback Matters

In January we sent out a survey to all Code Club volunteers past and present, and we were really grateful that 688 of you took the time to fill it in. Thanks! The purpose of the survey was to find out how we could improve and make our valued volunteers as happy as they could …

13th April 2016

Can you help us get Newcastle coding?

With funding from a corporate sponsor, we are looking to offer free training on the computing curriculum for 200 teachers in the Newcastle area over the next few months, and we need your help. The computing curriculum came into effect in England in September 2014, and teachers are now expected to teach computer science to …

11th April 2016

How you can support Code Club

Keen to help Code Club provide free opportunities for children in the UK and around the world to develop their coding and digital skills? In November last year we joined forces with the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which means there are now new ways to fundraise and support our work. You can fundraise or make donations …

6th April 2016

Code Club’s April Twitter Chat

Join us on Wednesday 13th April from 8-9pm for the another Code Club Twitter Chat! This month we’re changing things up a bit and the #CCUKchat will be focussed on answering any questions you may have about Code Club. Got a question about our curriculum? A technical query about how to activate your club? A …

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