How you can support Code Club

Keen to help Code Club provide free opportunities for children in the UK and around the world to develop their coding and digital skills? In November last year we joined forces with the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which means there are now new ways to fundraise and support our work.

You can fundraise or make donations to Code Club via our new JustGiving page.

Some ideas for raising money:icon-hippy&dad

  • A robot-themed bake sale
  • Marathons / fun runs / sponsored events – often people are already planning on doing these but might not have chosen a cause to support
  • Dress differently day – where each person donates £2 and wears something they usually wouldn’t. (See what some Code Clubbers did here, or take a look at this blog post which we wrote to celebrate astronaut Tim Peake’s mission to space for how to make a snazzy helmet!)
  • A group get together where people donate what they would have spent going out
  • Organise a raffle with prizes, each person makes a donation to enter

Helpful tip: you can set up a team page so that if there are several people in a group, each can link their own individual fundraising pages to the team page and contribute to one overall total. To set it up, just create yourself a JustGiving account if you don’t already have one, then follow the instructions to create your team page here. When it asks you to search for your cause, just search for ‘Code Club’ – we are listed as a campaign.

Find out more about how you can help support Code Club’s work by visiting

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