Code Club is Four!

Happy birthday to us,

Happy birthday to us,

Happy birthday dear Code Club!

It’s Code Club’s fourth birthday – hooray! We’re very excited to have reached the big four and we are so grateful to all the fabulous people who have helped us get there, but most of all our amazing volunteers.

CC 4 birthday

Code Club’s CEO, Clare Sutcliffe said “It’s so exciting to see how far Code Club has come over the last 4 years. We’ve grown rapidly as an organisation, expanding across the UK and in countries around the world. With the dedication and passion of Code Club’s volunteers, we have managed to give thousands of children the opportunity to learn about coding and digital making. I am incredibly proud of the amazing achievements of the Code Club community.”

For the mathematically minded amongst you, here’s a few four related statistics especially for our anniversary:

4177 + 4 = 4181 the current number of registered Code Clubs in the UK

500 x 4 = 2000 the number of registered Code Clubs across the rest of the world

27132 ÷ 4 = 6783 the amount of tweets we have sent about Code Club

We’ll be hosting a virtual celebration this week by remembering some of our proudest Code Club moments and sharing them on Twitter & Facebook. Have you got any inspiring, funny or wonderful Code Club moments you want to share as part of the celebration? Share them with us using #CodeClubIsFour

Right, off to find some cake…

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