Welcome to the Code Club Blog

13th November 2014

Code Club and the New Computing Curriculum

Running a Code Club is an excellent way to compliment the introduction of the new Computing curriculum, as it offers children lots of opportunities to learn and build upon skills taught in Computing lessons. Computational thinking is a skill that takes time and practice to hone. Code Club provides an ideal space for children to …

5th November 2014

The Doctor and the Dalek

The Computing curriculum’s stated aim is to equip pupils with the skills “to understand and change the world”. But why stop there, when the rest of the universe is in danger? In the Doctor and the Dalek game, the Doctor and his Dalek companion must work together to find the ‘Orb of Fates’ before the …

5th September 2014

Our New and Improved Curriculum

We’re currently in the process of redesigning our curriculum, so here’s an update to let you know how it’s going, and how you can help and support us. Our Projects We’ve almost finished developing our Python curriculum, which now includes 10 new projects. Children will learn Python by making lots of awesome things, including a …

28th August 2014

How Code Club is run and our relationship with our funders

Yesterday Linda Sandvik resigned from the Code Club board. As a co-founder of Code Club and early contributor to the organisation we all owe Linda a big thank you and wish her the best of luck in her next endeavour. As an independent, non-political organisation, we remain totally committed to Code Club’s core aim to …

16th July 2014

Year ends and new beginnings

Hello world! This is Ros, Code Club’s new Operations Assistant, checking in & giving you an update on things here at HQ. Thank you volunteers, thank you teachers, thank you thank you co-ders! Your work this year has made such a difference to coding in the UK — and across the world! We hope you’ve …

9th April 2014

An update (on our 2nd birthday)!

We turned two years old yesterday so we threw a party! Over 100 people came through the door to party with us – Scratch games made by our wonderful volunteers were played, cakes were eaten and drinks were drank (thanks so much to Twilio for those!) We thought we’d give you a bit of an …

18th March 2014

Crowdfund hardware for your Code Club!

Ever wished your Code Club could have a go at programming hardware and playing with electronics? Well now they can! Obviously we don’t have the funds to buy hardware for the 2100 Code Clubs that exist but we can certainly give you the tools to raise that money yourself. We’ve teamed up with Hubbub to …

13th March 2014

So open! Much access! All of the Code Club projects are online!

We are super pleased to announce that all the Code Club UK projects are now available online. If you’re a parent or teacher, you can start using the materials now, without registering a club. If you’re curious about running a club, you can look over all the materials before you make a decision, but If you …

4th March 2014

An update on our projects

The good news: At the moment we have four terms worth of awesome projects. Two terms of Scratch projects, a term of HTML & CSS projects and a term of Python projects. We’re really proud of them so far — so proud that we are shortly going to take them out from behind the sign …

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