Dancing Queen!

Our Robo-Boogie competition asked children to create a dancing robot and the public voted to decide the winner. Today we are pleased to announce the winner was Daisy from Abbey Catholic Primary School in Erdington, Birmingham with her awesome robot Lieutenant Polka Flux!
Daisy says, “I enjoyed entering this competition, it gave me a chance to learn new things on the computer and a chance to reward myself and school.” HIGH FIVE DAISY!
Daisy won a new laptop and ten for her school. Julie-Anne Tallon, the Headmistress of Abbey Catholic Primary School said, “We are delighted to work in conjunction with Code Club giving our children the opportunity to gain new skills. Children and staff have been motivated by Code Club which has created an exciting buzz about computing around school. We are very proud of our competition winner and all children who took part.”
We’d like to thank everyone who took part – if it was up to us to decide a winner it would have taken all day as they were all so amazing! You can see all the other entries here and continue making your robots dance on the Robo-Boogie site. Happy holidays!

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