Samsung is Code Club’s new partner – Let’s do the Robo-Boogie to celebrate!

We’re super excited to announce that Samsung is going to be supporting Code Club throughout 2014 and hopefully beyond! We’re going to be working together on a series of activities designed to encourage and support more people to start and run Code Clubs in the UK.


To celebrate we’ve designed a web app that helps you create a dancing robot! Children at Primary schools in the UK are then invited to enter their dancing robot into our competition. The public will vote to decide the winner and the winning entrant will receive a Samsung 15″ Ativ Book 4 laptop for themselves and 10 laptops for their primary school.  If you’re over 11 that’s ok you can still do the Robo-Boogie with us and share your dance online too!

Later in the year we’ll be opening five Code Club Regional Centres across the UK with the help of Samsung. We’ll be equipping community centres who currently have no computing provision with Samsung laptops. Those centres will be running public Code Clubs once a week and we’ll be able to run training events and meet ups from them too. The first Regional Centre is at Dragon Hall Community Centre in London which we’re super excited about. We’ll then be looking for community centres in cities across the UK – more detail on that soon!

For now – LET’S DANCE!

Big thanks to Hover Studio for the sweet app build, Albion for the rad site build and Animade for the fantastic promo video!

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