21st March 2023
Four Python projects for your Code Club to try!
We asked the Code Club team and friends to share their favourite Python projects and why you should give them a go in your club. There is a perfect project for everyone, from beginners to more experienced coders. Why Python? Python is the perfect next step from the block-based programme language, Scratch. It has a simple …

8th March 2023
The importance of equity in Code Clubs
The theme for this year’s International Women’s day is equity and how, when we embrace equity, we embrace diversity, and inclusion. Equity is important in Code Club, as it ensures that all children, regardless of their background, have equal access to opportunities and resources they need to learn and succeed in coding. We’ve spoken to …

21st February 2023
Why is it important to cheer on learners’ coding achievements? We’ll tell you!
An important part of Code Club is celebrating learners’ victories — both big and small. By recognising the importance of achievements and what they mean to the young person, you can encourage them to further develop life skills such as resilience, independence, self-esteem, respect, and compassion. Why is it important? Acknowledging success and hard work …

7th February 2023
Code Club supports Safer Internet Day
Code Club is proud to support Safer Internet Day on 7 February, an annual event that promotes the safe and responsible use of the internet. This year in the UK, the celebrations and learning activities are based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. With the internet …

25th January 2023
Three benefits of attending the computing education seminars!
2023 is shaping up to be a year full of personal development and learning opportunities at Code Club: in March we’re hosting the Clubs Conference for you; throughout the year you can join our brilliant new Code Club online event programme; and now we have a primary computing education seminar series, delivered by the Raspberry …

12th January 2023
Impala Bridge: How Code Club is helping to bring digital making to Benin
Code Club started in 2012 in the U.K., with the aim to give local children a chance to learn to code. Fast forward ten years and there are Code Clubs in over 160 countries around the world, with partner organisations* working in many regions. In Benin, Impala Bridge is a partner organisation using Code Club …

15th December 2022
Best of 2022!
As we close the door on 2022, we have the perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and appreciate the year gone by. How would you describe your Code Club’s year? Maybe it felt fun, inspiring, or even like a roller coaster? Why not share your accomplishments from 2022 with us on social media using the hashtag …

13th December 2022
Celebrating ‘World Hello Day’ through code!
To mark World Hello Day on Monday 21 November, we gave Code Clubs in the UK, Ireland, Croatia, Ghana and Portugal the exciting opportunity to connect through code and say “Hello” to each other. Using the Scratch project ‘From me to you’, young coders followed a design brief to code a digital card that says …

5th December 2022
Celebrating International Volunteer Day with the Code Club community
Code Club would not be the success it is today without the dedication and hard work of you, our brilliant volunteer community! To celebrate International Volunteer Day (5 December), we asked volunteers across the globe to share why they volunteer and what Code Club means to them. The UN declared International Volunteer Day an annual …

29th November 2022
Clwb Codio Treganna visits the Sony UK Technology Centre
Mae Clwb Codio yn golygu llawer mwy na dim ond dysgu sut i raglennu. Mae ein clybiau’n cynnig sgiliau gwerthfawr i godwyr ifanc, gan gynnwys sut i ddatrys problemau, cyfathrebu a meithrin gwydnwch personol a fydd yn fuddiol iddyn nhw drwy gydol eu bywydau. Gwelsom yr ysbrydoliaeth y gall y profiadau hyn gynnig pan aeth …