Code Club supports Safer Internet Day

Code Club is proud to support Safer Internet Day on 7 February, an annual event that promotes the safe and responsible use of the internet. This year in the UK, the celebrations and learning activities are based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

With the internet and new technologies playing a more central role in our lives than ever before, it’s essential that young people are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world safely and confidently.

Code Club’s vision is to give every young person the skills, confidence, and opportunity to change their world. We want to help young people understand the potential of new technologies as a platform for creativity and self-expression, while supporting them to do so safely and responsibly. 

Code Club activities are designed to encourage resilience, problem-solving, and collaboration. But beyond these skills, Code Clubs can provide a safe and supportive environment for young people to share their experiences and ask questions about the digital world.*

How you can initiate online safety discussions in your club 

For club leaders, Code Club can be a perfect opportunity to discuss and model responsible behaviour. Below are some ideas on how you could weave in discussions about online safety into your regular club activity:

  • Image search: When searching online for images to use in a project, discuss how to use keywords and search for images safely online.
  • Passwords: When setting up new accounts, give young people tips on how to set a strong password and why it is important to keep it safe.
  • Personal information: When choosing a profile name, or personalising a new project, talk to young people about not sharing identifiable information.
  • Sharing projects: Discuss why you might want to share a project publicly, and when you might want to keep it private.
  • Commenting: In some shared project galleries, like Scratch, you have the option to comment on other people’s projects. Discuss with young people what sorts of comments are appropriate, and what might upset others.

This year’s theme is all about giving young people the space to talk about the online issues that really matter to them. Why not dedicate some time in your next club meeting to hold a discussion about what your club members are passionate about online, and what changes they would like to see to make it a better place for all? Do they have ideas for any new technology or computer programmes that could help make it happen?

Code Club is committed to helping young people have positive and safe experiences online. We believe that by fostering a culture of digital literacy and responsibility, we can help build a safer and more inclusive internet for everyone. With the support of you, our fantastic club community, we are proud to be playing our part in creating a safer internet for the future. 

What do you have planned for Safer Internet Day in your club? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook. Find more resources to help you celebrate Safer Internet Day at

*Talking about the online world can prompt young people to disclose issues that may raise a safeguarding concern. If this happens, follow your school’s or setting’s safeguarding policy. Find Code Club’s safeguarding policy and advice at

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