15th December 2022
Best of 2022!
As we close the door on 2022, we have the perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and appreciate the year gone by. How would you describe your Code Club’s year? Maybe it felt fun, inspiring, or even like a roller coaster?
Why not share your accomplishments from 2022 with us on social media using the hashtag #MyCodeClub? We’d love to celebrate your stories with you and the world.
One of the best moments of 2022 was celebrating our 10th birthday and all your support from the past decade. This was a huge highlight for everyone. We loved seeing your parties, cakes, and special edition swag to celebrate the occasion — we’re still not over the Code Club-branded tie!
Head of Code Club, Tamasin said:
“I loved hearing stories from clubs that have been running for many years and the young people who have so many lovely memories of their time at Code Club. It was wonderful to hear how an extracurricular club has given them so much confidence and ideas.”
2022 memorable moments
To celebrate another marvellous year, we spoke to the Code Club team to find out why this year was special for them.
“We hosted our first meetup for the community in Wales in November this year. It was the first event of its kind for all of us, and I was so inspired to see how passionate our community is about Code Club!”
Sarah, Community Coordinator, Wales
“My year was made by the enthusiasm that club members showed to our World Hello Day activity. I spent a good month laughing, smiling and admiring their creative entries! Thank you for bringing joy into my role at Code Club.”
Zoe, Programme Coordinator, UK
“I’ve loved seeing the wonderful work our Code Club partner organisations are doing, helping to get even more young people coding around the world. And it was great to meet Nadia, our lead volunteer for Code Club/CoderDojo Iraq!”
Izzy, Programme Coordinator, UK
“We ran our first in-person sessions with over 400 teachers from all over government schools in Odisha, India. For me, this was my highlight — our community! It was a big reassurance and reminder for me about our purpose, our mission and why we do what we do!”
Vasu, National Community Manager, India
“For the first time I got to host a codealong for our US community to close our two-week long celebration of Code Club’s 10th birthday and it was so much fun.”
Kevin, Program Coordinator, USA
“I have loved seeing, first hand, how satisfying it is for beginner coders to remix a project and make it their own. It’s not all about a totally new idea. One of my favourite projects from my club was this remix of a fidget toy where the club member has added their love of the sea.”
Tamasin, Head of Code Club
What made 2022 stand out for you?
Zoe asked for your memorable moments on social media and this is what you shared:
This Code Club enjoyed taking part in our World Hello day activity!

Ali from Iraq had this to say about 2022:
“It was amazing year I spent it with MyCodeClub members when we learning coding using the 3,2,1…Make! pathways (Scratch , Python, HTML)”
This year, Darren from England saw how Code Club can be a great opportunity for learners to support each other:

Code Club educator in Wales, Paul had to think on his feet during a Code Club session, which had a brilliant outcome!
“One of our learners got very excited by HTML tags. An impromptu lesson when Wi-Fi failed. thanks to @garethgwyther was quite surprised by the learners enthusiasm!”
The next 12 months brings lots of excitement for Code Club. So, 2023 is the year of… well, let’s wait and see!