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28th September 2021

3…2…1… Blast off with Code Club for World Space Week!

Fuel your coders’ imagination and take part in World Space Week (4–10 October) — the largest annual space event in the world!  Explore our space-themed projects, celebrate the women who have paved the way for space exploration, and learn how your club can send a message into space with the European Astro Pi Challenge Mission …

22nd September 2021

Young coders take the trophy in the Summer of Sport!

Back in June we asked young people around the world to code a fun Scratch project in the spirit of the 2021 sporting calendar! In this blog post, the Code Club team shares a few projects from the amazing young coders who reached the Summer of Sport finish line. Coding in the spirit of the …

1st September 2021

A sneak preview at what to expect from Code Club this September!

With the new term approaching, we ask Tamasin Greenough Graham, our new Head of Code Club, to share some details about the new Code Club resources and support available to you this September.  A fresh set of club organiser resources!  We’ve launched our brand-new digital Club Organiser Pack, which is bursting at the seams with …

13th July 2021

If you start in London and walk 6,073 miles east, where does it take you? The answer, Delhi!

In January, members from the Code Club UK and Ireland team set themselves the challenge to walk the distance from London to Delhi to virtually meet Code Club India colleagues, Vasu and Divya.  We have reached the halfway point, and it’s time to celebrate the amazing clubs we’ve caught up with along the way!  First …

1st July 2021

Code Club India has a new home!

Code Club India is moving to a brand-new website! The Code Club community has grown over the last three years and our old site just couldn’t keep up.  Vasu, Programme Coordinator for Code Club India, talks through the new site and its exciting features!   With this new site, you will be able to easily find …

16th June 2021

Make Code Club part of your summer school plans! 

Code Club provides the ideal in-person enrichment activity for a summer school, providing fun projects to build skills and confidence around coding concepts, along with important well-being needs. It’s also a great way to form friendships and feel part of the school community. We share three key essentials, plus a NEW Summer of Sport activity …

10th June 2021

Kick off your code with the Summer of Sport!

Over the next few months, we’re inviting young people across the world to embrace the spirit of the sporting calendar and get coding with some activity-themed projects over the holidays. Find out how your club members can get active with code this summer!  With the Olympics, Paralympics, Euro 2020, Tour de France, and plenty more …

18th May 2021

Support the transition to secondary school with Code Club!

We understand that education recovery is currently at the top of the agenda for many teachers. Here’s how Code Club can support learners to gain the relevant coding skills to make the transition from primary to secondary computing education.  Support your learners through Code Club   In the UK, most children are now back to …

6th May 2021

Three reasons to take part in Moonhack 2021!

Code Club Australia are the masterminds behind Moonhack, the much loved global event that brings children together to code on the theme of ‘planet-saving solutions’!  We share three reasons why your Code Club should join this year’s Moonhack, which takes place between 24 and 30 May.    1. Learn alongside young coder Clayton Australian coder Clayton …

21st April 2021

Our Code Club global tour — find out what we learned!

Over the last year, our global Code Club team has missed being able to make in-person club visits. Seeing our clubs’ creativity, enthusiasm, and love of coding first-hand is a massive inspiration to us. This year, the team decided to take a tour of the world to visit clubs online, and in some countries in …

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