22nd September 2021
Young coders take the trophy in the Summer of Sport!
Back in June we asked young people around the world to code a fun Scratch project in the spirit of the 2021 sporting calendar!
In this blog post, the Code Club team shares a few projects from the amazing young coders who reached the Summer of Sport finish line.

Coding in the spirit of the Olympics
With the Euro 2020, Tour de France, Olympics, Paralympics, and many more pandemic-delayed events taking place this summer, sporting fever was everywhere. Physical exercise and being active are essential aspects of wellbeing — an important part of recovering from the impact of the pandemic.
The Summer of Sport was shared as a fun holiday activity and a way to link coding with getting active, helping young people to connect code with their real-life hobbies and interests. All young coders were invited to participate, either coding from our list of suggested projects, or making something totally new in Scratch. The only requirement was that their final creation combined coding and being active.
Amazing projects
Lots of clubs and young people coding from home accepted the challenge and we saw Summer of Sport entries fly in from Libya, to Iraq and Scotland. Here are just a few projects that we enjoyed!
Darren, Code Club Programme Coordinator in Ireland, really loved this fun take on the ‘Beat the goalie’ project from Scratch user cottoncan.
“I really like the way you have made the goalkeeper’s arms move — they seem to mesmerise you and make you want to shoot at the goalie all the time!”
Learning Coordinator Liz loved this project which shows two people riding unicorns through the countryside.
“I love the costume editing and animation that Scratch user khtsb has used in this project. The scrolling ‘الكائن’ object makes the unicorns seem to move really quickly. Well done!”
USA Club Program Coordinator Kevin had a great time playing this fun and creative game from Scratch coder wps-ALT.
“This is a super addictive baseball catching game that plays just like a quick reaction game, and I LOVE quick reaction games! This was a really smart idea!”
What next?
You can check out all the amazing Summer of Sport entries and get inspired to make your own sporty projects by visiting our Scratch studio.
We’ll be sharing more exciting project collections that link real-world learning to coding soon! Stay tuned for our space-themed collection to support National Space Week (4–10 October), where we will share all sorts of out-of-this-world ideas for the space-mad coders at your club. We’ll be posting all the details here on our blog!
Got a cool project from your Code Club to share with us? Share it with us on Twitter or Facebook.