Micro-interview with Code Club member Terrell

In our micro-interview blog series, we’re chatting to educators and young coding enthusiasts and hearing about their Code Club experience.

Worth Valley Primary School in Keighley, England launched their Code Club in spring 2023, and club members have been working through our Introduction to Scratch path.

Each week, 15 young people take part in the club sessions, and this is where we first met Terrell, aged 9, a budding coder with a passion for coding and learning new skills.

Terrell told us what he enjoys about attending the new after-school Code Club at his school.

Enjoy this micro-interview with Code Club member Terrell 

Let’s get started…

What inspired you to start coding?

What inspired me was when I first saw coding, I saw that it was great to help people make things happen in programs and make games, and I wanted to have a go as I really like games and would love to make my own games so that I can play them and evaluate them and give myself feedback to improve it, then send the programs to share with others.

What do you enjoy the most about coding?

The best thing about coding is all the things we have to do. We’ve learnt how to follow programs and make things happen and then share them with everyone and show how proud we are of our code. I’ve enjoyed everything we do in Code Club, and learn new skills as we complete each project.

How do you help your Code Club friends with their coding projects? 

I help them if they are stuck. I like to help, and if I can, I’ll find a solution, or if I know how to make them succeed, I will help them. It’s great to help each other and if we are not sure, we ask each other or persevere to find the answer.

What’s your favourite project that you have made with code? 

My favourite project was making my own book as I got to use all my skills and choose my own sprites. You can replay it and add more if you want to, or listen to it whenever I want to.

Describe your Code Club in three words.

Educating. Fun. Programming.

Thank you, Terrell!

If you enjoyed this micro-interview, read our micro-interview with Sue and learn about her experiences of using the Code Club resources and projects in her club, in Norfolk, England.

You don’t need any coding experience to run a Code Club, and you can help more young people like Terrell learn vital coding and digital skills. Start a club today!

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