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19th June 2015

London Technology Week

This week was London Technology Week, and across the capital events have been taking place to celebrate the city’s rapidly growing technology sector and all the awesome stuff that’s happening with it. What we’ve been up to this week: On Tuesday we joined a lot of eager young coders, as well as their parents and teachers, at …

9th June 2015

Coding for all ages at the Leeds Google Garage!

Last week, as part of Volunteers Week 2015, Code Club took part in a very special inter-generational Code Club session at Google’s Digital Garage in Leeds. We were joined there by students from a local Code Club at Little London Primary School, alongside members of AGE UK’s Silver Surfers programme, which aims to help those aged 55 get to grips with …

7th May 2015

Code Club #ScratchDay activities

This Saturday is Scratch Day, when people all around the world come together to celebrate Scratch and the people who use Scratch. As you probably know, here at Code Club we love Scratch – it’s the first tool we use in our projects, and most of our volunteers, Code Clubbers and parents are well aware …

27th April 2015

Code Club and Samsung’s latest regional hub opens in Cardiff!

We hear from Code Club’s Craig Thomas on how the hub launch will help children in Wales… Last Thursday, the Code Club team joined with our partners at Samsung to officially open Cardiff’s Code Club Samsung regional hub with the help of some incredibly enthusiastic children from two local primary schools. The event took place …

7th April 2015

We are three!

Code Club is turning the grand old age of three this month and look how far we have come! We now have over 2400 clubs which means we are teaching 33,000 kids to code – pretty good going! Absolutely none of this would have been possible without our volunteers: an army of awesome people who share …

5th March 2015

A Star Club receives a special Ministerial visit!

Code Club’s wonderful Star Club at Barrow Hill School in St Johns Wood received a special guest visit this week from the Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson. Mr Wilson was keen to see the progress the students have been making at their club, with the members of the class eagerly demonstrating their skills and …

5th February 2015

Code Red! Join us as we #GetHackneyCoding

Are you a teacher or a techie in Hackney? Help us #GetHackneyCoding this month! Code Club Pro are offering free teacher training sessions for primary school teachers in Hackney, supported by Samsung and Hackney Learning Trust. If you’re a techie keen to lend your skills you can join the coding movement by running an after-school Code Club in …

10th November 2014

Factory Youth Zone Regional Hub!

Last Thursday we launched our Regional Hub at The Factory Youth Zone in Manchester. We are working with our partner Samsung to open five Hubs across the UK, which we hope will drive us further to meeting our aim of reaching 5,000 clubs and 70,000 children by the end of 2015. Manchester’s The Factory Youth …

17th December 2013

Croydon Future Tech City Event

On Saturday 30th November, Croydon Tech City held its first Future Tech City event, in a drive to get a Code Club into every primary school in Croydon. There are 95 primary schools in Croydon and Future Tech City are determined to put a Code Club in every single one. With an enthusiastic and dedicated …

21st November 2013

Croydon’s Future Tech City

We love Croydon Tech City. They are a growing community of software developers, venture capitalists, technologists, startup founders and creatives who are passionate about the next generation’s skills. They love Code Club as they know how much it will help children in their area learn such skills and kick start a passion for technology to last them …

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