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5th December 2022

Celebrating International Volunteer Day with the Code Club community

Code Club would not be the success it is today without the dedication and hard work of you, our brilliant volunteer community! To celebrate International Volunteer Day (5 December), we asked volunteers across the globe to share why they volunteer and what Code Club means to them. The UN declared International Volunteer Day an annual …

29th November 2022

Clwb Codio Treganna visits the Sony UK Technology Centre

Mae Clwb Codio yn golygu llawer mwy na dim ond dysgu sut i raglennu. Mae ein clybiau’n cynnig sgiliau gwerthfawr i godwyr ifanc, gan gynnwys sut i ddatrys problemau, cyfathrebu a meithrin gwydnwch personol a fydd yn fuddiol iddyn nhw drwy gydol eu bywydau. Gwelsom yr ysbrydoliaeth y gall y profiadau hyn gynnig pan aeth …

9th November 2022

Take part in our Clubs Conference

We are excited to announce that Code Club and CoderDojo will host the first-ever Clubs Conference from Friday 24 to Saturday 25 March 2023 at Churchill College, Cambridge and we’d like to invite you to join us! The Clubs Conference is a participatory event that gives volunteers and educators the chance to celebrate the achievements …

3rd November 2022

Rich Hind gets back to Code Club and shares his tips for running a dynamic club!

Long-term community member Rich Hind took a break from Code Club, but in 2021 he resumed his adventure with code and launched a new club at Congleton Library in Cheshire, England. Rich shares his experience and advice on getting back to running a Code Club. Starting a Code Club after a break, or even starting …

20th October 2022

Using HTML and CSS to boost self-expression in your Code Club

Empowering young people to see themselves as digital makers and not just consumers is a key ingredient of Code Club. Our brand-new ‘Introduction to web development: HTML, CSS and animation’ path provides the ideal foundation to support and encourage this exploration using webpages. But why learn about HTML and CSS in your Code Club? Creating …

15th September 2022

Five out-of-this-world Code Club activities for World Space Week!

World Space Week (3–10 October) is the largest annual space event celebrating science and technology. The UN declared it an annual celebration in 1999 and it provides the perfect opportunity for young Code Club members to have some space-worthy fun whilst developing their coding skills.  You don’t need to go into orbit to take part …

1st September 2022

Top three resources for running a vibrant Code Club 

Launching your new Code Club or resuming a club that has been paused for an extended time might make you feel a little apprehensive. That’s OK! Tamasin Greenough Graham, Head of Code Club, shares three resources that will help you run your Code Club with confidence. Picking my top three resources is quite a challenge …

13th July 2022

Code Club: fun, fantastic, and humbling!

Enthusiasm has been in abundance since Code Clubs across the world have reunited with in-person sessions. With the UK and Ireland heading into their summer breaks, here are some of our highlights from the last academic year. Head of Code Club, Tamasin Greenough Graham, has a few words to share with you:   “I’ve loved seeing …

30th June 2022

Club members’ stories: Code Club is ‘Code-mazing!’

Code Club is all about our young members and helping them discover how they can use code for the things that matter most to them. Meet 8-year-old, budding coder Oliver from Congleton in Cheshire, England. He’s recently joined Congleton Library Code Club, led by educator Rich Hind, who has been part of the Code Club …

15th June 2022

Say hello to the Code Club team 

Meet the Code Club team! We’re a small, but impactful team that are scattered across the world. Here’s a glimpse of who we are, our roles, and what we get up to in our spare time! Tamasin Greenough Graham, Head of Code Club “I lead the lovely Code Club team who support you, our amazing …

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