Code Club: fun, fantastic, and humbling!

Enthusiasm has been in abundance since Code Clubs across the world have reunited with in-person sessions. With the UK and Ireland heading into their summer breaks, here are some of our highlights from the last academic year.

The Clubs team

Head of Code Club, Tamasin Greenough Graham, has a few words to share with you:  

“I’ve loved seeing so many clubs up and running again after pausing during the covid pandemic.

It’s been lovely to see all the inventive new projects that our young coders have created, but for me, the highlights have been hearing about how Code Club has enabled young people to grow in confidence and independence. Those skills are vital for great coding, and will help them develop in lots of other parts of their life as well.

I’m so grateful to all the volunteers and educators who have given their time and enthusiasm to facilitate Code Clubs to thrive.”

Celebrating Sophie! 

In June, we celebrated teacher Sophie Hudson and her Code Club in a small rural village in Yorkshire, England.  

Her tech journey started out small and now she is nurturing Yorkshire’s next generation of digital makers!  

Watch her inspiring video and follow their Code Club journey.

Linton-on-Ouse Primary School Code Club

Giving children new opportunities at Hythe Library Code Club

Seeing clubs get back to in-person sessions has been wonderful! You just can’t beat the excitement of seeing children get that ‘aha moment’ when their code works.

Colin Woods, from Hythe Library in Kent, England said:

“It was really good to see the youngsters in-person, everybody took returning to Code Club in their stride!

We have been wonderfully supported by parents/family that turn up for show and tell, which has overrun a couple of times (!), but the Library have been nice to us!”

We then asked Colin what he had planned for September: 

“For the autumn we’re planning our normal weekly sessions, making sure we include the last 10 mins for a show and tell which I love. We often see some of the quieter youngsters come out of their shell and it allows parents to see what all have been upto, it’s very humbling to see how well everyone supports everyone.”

Obuma improves her teamwork skills at Code Club

Young coder Obuma, from Hillside Code Club in Aberdeenshire, Scotland is moving up to secondary school in August after a great year in Code Club. She was really enthusiastic about their club experience: 

“At Code Club we learn how to code! We also improve our teamwork skills, there’s a lot of people at Code Club and most of the time you work together to create different things. 

My favourite part of Code Club is the presenting and coding, coding is fun!” 

Budding coder, Obuma

Children get ownership over their Code Club

Rich Hind has been involved with Code Club since 2016. After a brief hiatus, he is back running his Code Club at Congleton Library in Cheshire, England. 

“Getting back into the library and teaching in-person was fantastic and really is the highlight of my week. And I had forgotten how great it was to be standing in front of the class. 

Returning to the classes this time I have created my own lessons based on the children’s ideas to help them feel part of the process, and this has really given them  a sense of ownership and that the classes are for them.”

You can keep up to date on Congleton Code Club in Rich’s blog

Congleton Library Code Club

Coding together! 

We’ve had great fun coding alongside your Code Club members at our online codealongs. Seeing your club members exercising their coding skills with young people from across the world has really reminded us all what an amazing global community we have!  

We’re looking forward to running more online codealongs and getting to meet your club members in September. What themed codealongs would you like to see us run? Share your thoughts by emailing the team at [email protected].

Keep in touch with us

We love hearing about your Code Club’s achievements and how we can assist you in running your Code Club. Please reach out to us any time on Twitter or Facebook, or by emailing us at [email protected].

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