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5th June 2024

Micro-interview with Code Club educator Ashwani Tiwari

In our new micro-interview blog series, we chat to educators and young coding enthusiasts about their Code Club experience. Enjoy! Ashwani Tiwari runs “Maker Lab”, a network of Code Clubs in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.  Maker Lab was established in 2022 and partners with government schools in remote tribal areas to create maker labs for coding …

23rd May 2024

Micro-interview with the new US Club Program Coordinator Amanda

So far in our micro-interview series, we’ve chatted to educators and young coding enthusiasts and heard about their Code Club experiences. For this interview, we’re doing something a little bit different. We’re featuring one of our very own Code Club team members! Meet Amanda, our new Club Program Coordinator in the US! Based in Atlanta, …

7th December 2023

Dreams on track: Inspiring the next generation with industry connections

Children often dream about amazing careers as astronauts, inventors, or racing car drivers. By introducing them to industry professionals, we have the opportunity to bridge the gap between dreams and reality. After more than 35 years, Gary Foote, Chief Information Officer at MoneyGram Haas F1 Team, returned to his former primary school in Cambridgeshire, UK. …

28th November 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club alumni, Oliver

In our micro-interview blog series, we’re chatting to educators and young coding enthusiasts to hear about their Code Club experience. When we received a message from 17-year-old Oliver, asking about the possibility of obtaining a Code Club lanyard to serve as a reminder of his experiences at Code Club, we knew we needed to find …

14th November 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club Growth Partner, Solomon

In our new micro-interview blog series, we chat to educators and young coding enthusiasts about their Code Club experience. Enjoy! Solomon’s organisation, The Unique Foundation, has been a Growth Partner since 2019. He runs a thriving Code Club at his learning and resource centre in The Gambia and describes his club as creative, empowering, and …

25th October 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club Growth Partner, Generación Tec 

Enjoy our micro-interview blog series, where we chat to educators and young coding enthusiasts and hear about their Code Club experience.  Generación Tec is a Code Club Growth Partner in Peru. In 2019, they started to grow the club network in the capital, Lima, through a project managed by the British Council. Building a sense …

26th September 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club member Terrell

In our micro-interview blog series, we’re chatting to educators and young coding enthusiasts and hearing about their Code Club experience. Worth Valley Primary School in Keighley, England launched their Code Club in spring 2023, and club members have been working through our Introduction to Scratch path. Each week, 15 young people take part in the …

16th August 2023

Micro-interview with Code Club educator Sue Gray

We are excited to introduce our micro-interview blog series, where we chat to educators and young coding enthusiasts and hear about their Code Club experience. Meet Sue, a retired secondary school teacher with expertise in key stage 3, key stage 4 BTEC, and GCSE computing (learners aged 11–16). Now leading a Code Club at Fakenham …

10th August 2023

What I learned running my first Code Club

Join us as we dive into an inspiring journey! This summer, Sarah, our Community Coordinator for Wales, launched a Code Club in South Wales at LIwynypia Primary School. Discover what Sarah learned during this coding adventure. Over to you, Sarah! Helo, I’m Sarah, Community Coordinator for Wales. In this role, I am here to support …

13th July 2022

Code Club: fun, fantastic, and humbling!

Enthusiasm has been in abundance since Code Clubs across the world have reunited with in-person sessions. With the UK and Ireland heading into their summer breaks, here are some of our highlights from the last academic year. Head of Code Club, Tamasin Greenough Graham, has a few words to share with you:   “I’ve loved seeing …

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