Micro-interview with the new US Club Program Coordinator Amanda

So far in our micro-interview series, we’ve chatted to educators and young coding enthusiasts and heard about their Code Club experiences. For this interview, we’re doing something a little bit different. We’re featuring one of our very own Code Club team members!

Meet Amanda, our new Club Program Coordinator in the US! Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Amanda joined our team last month and has already blown us away with her brilliant ideas and her sparkling personality. 

Join us as we get to know Amanda!

Photo Credit: Daniella Almona

What Code Club projects do you enjoy?  

At the Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair, I worked on the ‘Random sparkles’ project with the students who came up to our table. It was my first time doing this project but WOW did those kids teach me a lot. 

Instead of making random sparkles appear, I saw one student intentionally create a smiley face, which inspired me to create and teach others to make any shape they like. 

I’m also excited to try the ‘Dodgeball’ project in Module 2 of Scratch. Dodgeball was one of my favourite games in primary school, it never gets old!

Which communities in the USA will you be supporting? Can you explain how you plan to engage with these communities?

I live in Georgia and am very excited to start growing and supporting the Code Club community here. I’m eager to visit organisations that are already established in the education sector and see how the Raspberry Pi Foundation can amplify their mission.

My role isn’t exclusively working with adults to set clubs up, I also want to listen to the young people who attend our Code Clubs — they always remind me of the reason why we do what we do!

Additionally, I am beyond excited to begin our webinar series with Kevin. We’re all in this together, so as much as we want to get to know our clubs, they should also get a chance to get to know us too.

Can you share a surprising skill or hidden talent you have?

I can skateboard.

If you could have a superpower to support the USA Code Club community, what would it be and why?

I’d love to be able to sense who wants to start or be part of a Code Club anywhere in the US, so I could equip them with the resources they need to fulfil their coding goals and dreams!

If you could say one thing to all the Code Club volunteers and educators in the USA, what would it be?

Through your hands-on work in equipping our nation’s young people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence in digital making, you’re helping them build a brighter future.

Your drive to educate young people in coding inspires me to work hard for you in return.

Thank you so much, Amanda. And welcome to the team! 

If you’d like to get to know more about Amanda and the other half of our US clubs team, Kevin, join their monthly webinars every third Thursday at 12pm PT/2pm CT/3pm CT. 

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