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5th February 2024

From coding to caring: Exploring well-being through micro:bits

Children’s Mental Health Week (5 to 11 February) is a crucial reminder of the importance of looking after the well-being of the young learners who come to Code Club. There are many ways that we can support mental health and well-being through technology. Our ‘Introduction to micro:bit’ projects are centred around well-being, and use various …

11th October 2023

Five HTML and CSS projects for your Code Club to try!

Get ready to dive into the basics of HTML and CSS with your Code Club! The Code Club team and friends share their favourite web design projects and why you should give them a go in your club. We have the perfect project that will make learning HTML easy and fun for everyone — from …

13th September 2023

September sparks: Four inspiring ideas for you and your Code Club!

Whether you’re a seasoned Code Club educator or just starting out on your club journey, we’ve got some great ideas that will help put some sparkle into your coding adventures and learning this September! To help you find your spark, four of our team members have picked their favourite upcoming events to share with you: …

1st September 2022

Top three resources for running a vibrant Code Club 

Launching your new Code Club or resuming a club that has been paused for an extended time might make you feel a little apprehensive. That’s OK! Tamasin Greenough Graham, Head of Code Club, shares three resources that will help you run your Code Club with confidence. Picking my top three resources is quite a challenge …

28th April 2022

Physical computing kits available for Code Clubs in England

From making your first LED blink to creating a musical instrument, physical computing can bring the ‘A-ha!’ moment into your Code Club. If your Code Club is running within a school in England, you can hire a selection of physical computing kits from an NCCE Computing Hub for free. Physical computing helps club members to …

9th March 2022

Coding 3D worlds at your Code Club

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has released a path of six new Unity projects to help young people take their first steps to create 3D worlds. Find out why Unity is such a versatile tool and how you can use it to stretch your more confident coders. What is Unity?  Unity is a free coding platform …

23rd February 2022

Your nine favourite Scratch projects!

Have you ever wanted to know which Scratch projects educators enjoy using in their Code Clubs? We asked educators and supporters to tell us about their favourite Code Club Scratch projects. The nine projects below were firm favourites from our community. Find out why they are so special to our educators and how you can …

27th January 2022

Go on a coding adventure with our NEW project paths!

To celebrate the new term, we’re bringing new coding discoveries to your Code Club. Find out how you can support your club members to become independent tech creators with our free educational project paths.  Our new project path learning resources are structured so learners develop skills, knowledge, and increased independence as they progress through each …

11th January 2022

Astro Pi Mission Zero gives real-world coding experience to club members!

In December, we watched two brand-new Astro Pi units launch into space for the European Astro Pi challenge. They’re now on board the International Space Station (ISS) ready to run young learners’ Astro Pi Mission Zero code!  What is Astro Pi Mission Zero?  Astro Pi Mission Zero is an engaging beginners’ coding challenge, open to …

4th January 2022

New year, new resources! Welcoming well-being in 2022

Here at Code Club, we’ve been talking about our New Year’s resolutions. Like many people around the world, our focus this year will be on our health and well-being. In this blog post, we’ll be sharing how we plan to look after ourselves, each other, and you — our amazing Code Club community! Spoiler alert: …

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