Check out these updates to the Code Club platform

We’ve introduced new features to help club leaders manage events, track attendance, and communicate more effectively. These updates make running your club easier, so you can focus on supporting young creators.

A group of people participate in a coding workshop. A person wearing a black shirt with "code club" written on the back is seated in the foreground. Several laptops are on the table, with participants engaging in programming activities. White digital icons, including lightbulbs, graphs, and a globe, decorate the image.We’ve made running your Code Club even easier

Easily check in and check out creators

Club leaders can now use the platform to check creators in and out as they arrive and leave events. This feature helps you keep track of attendance in real-time to help you organise larger groups and keep everyone attending safe if there is a fire alarm. After an event, you can also look back and see who attended and who didn’t.

New search and filter options

Managing larger groups of attendees is now easier with the search and filter feature. You can quickly find specific creators and filter by status. The three groups you can filter by are:

  • Not arrived – Creators who haven’t arrived.
  • Checked in – Creators currently at the event.
  • Checked out – Creators who have left.

Email attendees who booked tickets

Need to send a reminder or communicate a change to the event? You can message all attendees who have booked tickets to an upcoming event directly from the Code Club platform. Whether you want to share changes to event details or provide information on resources in advance, it’s now quick and hassle-free. You can even use markdown to format your message.

Special assistance flag

When booking into an event, parents/carers can share any special assistance a creator might need to join the event or access the venue. In the ‘manage attendees’ section, you will see any needs they might have under the creator’s name as a flag icon with the word ‘Assistance’ beside it. To see more details, click on the name of the young person and the type of assistance they require will be visible.

A user interface card displaying information about Jill Hill, age 12. It includes two selectable options: "Work on my own project" and "Assistance," with the latter highlighted. In the top right corner, there are three buttons: a cross (X), a checkmark (✔) highlighted in green, and an arrow pointing right.Special assistance flag feature

Find resources you need quicker

We’ve reorganised the resources section on our website to make it easier for you to find the resources you need. Whether you’re looking for activities, certificates, or resources for planning an upcoming session, everything is now structured to make it more accessible.

A webpage from Code Club featuring a "Resources" section with a green banner that reads, "Our resources are designed to help you start, manage, and grow your club." Below, a "Browse by category" section displays three colorful icons: a green box with code brackets and a cursor, a pink box with a lightbulb, and a blue box with a magnifying glass over a person icon.Resources on the Code Club website

Expanding language options

The Code Club website, including our platform features, is available in five languages. These are Dutch, English, French, Japanese and Welsh. We will soon be adding resources in these languages as well as Greek translations to further support our global community. A huge thank you to our volunteer community of translators who share their skills to make Code Club accessible to more young people around the world!

Thank you to our volunteer community of translators

These updates are designed to help you manage your club more efficiently, so mentors can focus on providing a great experience to creators.

Log in now and explore these new features! If you have any feedback about the platform or website, please email

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