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16th July 2015

The Young Rewired State Festival of Code 2015

Coming up at the end of July is a fantastic opportunity for enthusiastic young digital makers and tech fans to get stuck in with some summer holiday coding fun – the Young Rewired State Festival of Code! Open to children aged 18 and younger, we think the Festival of Code is an awesome event for …

9th July 2015

BBC micro:bit launches in London!

On Tuesday we attended the launch of the BBC’s exciting new micro:bit project in London. As a partner organisation of the BBC’s flagship Make It Digital initiative, which aims to get more young people across the UK involved in digital making and computer science, Code Club couldn’t be more excited to see the new micro:bit …

7th July 2015

Code Club at the DL100 Awards!

Last month Code Club attended the glitzy Digital Leaders 100 awards in London to celebrate the work of digital pioneers across the UK from the public, private and non-profit sectors. We’re really thrilled that Code Club picked up the award for ‘Best Digital Skills Product or Service’ for the second year in a row! We …

29th June 2015

Run a Code Club in your local library!

Code Club have thousands of amazing clubs running around the UK. The majority of these take place in schools, run by our volunteers with the help of teachers. However, there are now growing numbers of Code Clubs being set up in public venues such as libraries, which serve as excellent locations because they are open on …

25th June 2015

Crowdfunding for your club with Hubbub

At Code Club, we know that one of the awesome ways to inspire children to be excited about programming is to let them get their hands on hardware with which they can experiment. We also know this hardware doesn’t grow on trees, so we’ve got a solution – the  crowdfunding platform Hubbub. Hubbub allows you …

22nd June 2015

Guest Blog: Harry James

We have a very special guest blog post this week from Harry James. He is 15 years old and attends school at Whitley Bay High School. A keen coder, last week Harry completed his work experience with Ignite at Campus North. Read what Harry has to say about the importance of having Code Clubs in schools and how programming can …

19th June 2015

London Technology Week

This week was London Technology Week, and across the capital events have been taking place to celebrate the city’s rapidly growing technology sector and all the awesome stuff that’s happening with it. What we’ve been up to this week: On Tuesday we joined a lot of eager young coders, as well as their parents and teachers, at …

9th June 2015

Coding for all ages at the Leeds Google Garage!

Last week, as part of Volunteers Week 2015, Code Club took part in a very special inter-generational Code Club session at Google’s Digital Garage in Leeds. We were joined there by students from a local Code Club at Little London Primary School, alongside members of AGE UK’s Silver Surfers programme, which aims to help those aged 55 get to grips with …

6th June 2015

#VolunteersWeek: It’s been a blast!

We have had a fantastic Volunteers Week 2015, with loads of great meet ups in London, Birmingham, Leicester, Aberdeen and Bristol. We also held our first inter-generational coding session at the Google Garage in Leeds, with members of Little London Primary’s Code Club and Age UK’s Silver Surfers. It was a great event highlighting the …

5th June 2015

#VolunteersWeek: A star volunteer at a Star Club!

Robin Blackstone is one of our super-talented volunteers who runs a Star Club at Irchester Community Primary School in Northamptonshire. Star Clubs are outstanding Code Clubs with friendly volunteers and supportive teachers and venue representatives, which are open for new or prospective volunteers to visit as an example of best practice and all round awesomeness. …

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